Accommodating religious needs of ethnic minorities, Georgetown University, America’s oldest Catholic University is revising its religious policy to allow non-Catholic students to observe their religious holidays. The Washington-based university will allow non-Catholic students, including Muslims, to observe their religious holidays. The students will be allowed to make up for any classes, assignments and exams they missed during the holidays. Professors should be notified about the students’ holidays at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for completing any missed work. A list of major Muslim, Christian and Jewish religious holidays will be published soon on the University’s website for this year’s spring and fall. The new policy was drafted after a series of complaints from non-Catholic students over failure to accommodate their religious needs. Founded in 1789, Georgetown University is America’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit University, but it has recently become more and more religiously diverse.
Accommodating religious needs of ethnic minorities, Georgetown University, America’s oldest Catholic University is revising its religious policy to allow non-Catholic students to observe their religious holidays.