Feeling Inclined to Commit Others Suicides!

If you allow me to take liberty with the Queen’s English, I feel inclined to commit not only “my suicide” but “a few suicides of others” also!

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June 14, 2022
If you allow me to take liberty with the Queen’s English, I feel inclined to commit not only “my suicide” but “a few suicides of others” also!
The reason behind this morbid feeling is neither frustration in love, nor illness, nor poverty, nor unemployment. It is something else, which neither psychologists nor psychotherapists or social activists can decipher.
One of these simple folks, explaining why the suicide curve is on the rise in the National Capital, said on November 15 in New Delhi: “Success, wealth and consumerism are worshiped in today’s society. India’s economic success story too has resulted in escalating aspirations. Young people feel they can achieve anything and want instant gratification. When they don’t succeed, they get impatient and frustrated. They find failures harder to handle”.
According to Delhi police statistics, 784 people – 449 males and 335 females – in the age group of 15-29 took their lives in the city in 2006. This was a rise from the 651 suicides (370 males and 281 females) in 2005, and 625 (342 men and 283 women) the year before.
Another wiseacre dictated his view to a journalist for his 650-word story: “The social support system for youngsters has gone down drastically with the proliferation of more nuclear families and live-in-relations. They (youth manly from middle-income class) are finding it difficult to keep pace with the fast-moving metro life and growing demands made on them. Youth have created an undue pressure upon themselves. To cope with stress, they are also dragging themselves to alcohol and drugs. The rise in such cases among youth is an indication that we are persistently failing in our efforts to provide them with a reason for a meaningful existence”.
Much better than these guys, speaking English in the Oxonian accent, were the butchers, amongst whom not a single soul took the extreme step, following ban on cow slaughter after Independence. They just changed their age-old profession, and that was the end of the story.
The reason behind my inclination to commit “my suicide” and “that of a few others also” is a 300-word story, datelined Jalpaiguri, November 28. Its operative part is: One Afazuddia Ali, 36 married his teenage daughter some six months ago. When the victim started showing signs of pregnancy, the neighborhood was aflame. He along with his wife, who was a witness to his ‘nikah’ and the helpless daughter were taken to the SDO’s court, where he said: “My marriage with my daughter has divine sanction.” The magistrate released him saying he had no criminal jurisdiction as there was no complainant! Clad in a yellow shirt, sporting a full blown, black beard, while combing it with fingers, Ali remarked: “I haven’t done anything wrong. Isn’t it clear from the verdict?”
Now first, after having committed “my own suicide,” I want to “commit suicide of Ali,” that of his “legally wedded wife” and those of the police personnel, who failed to lodge an FIR, and in the end of the magistrate who could, at least like me, commit his own suicide and that of Ali, to register his protest with the system.
Do you, or do you not agree with me?