Gleanings from Arabic Press 27-Sep-2020

Oil is a strategic substance. It is a matter of life and death for Western civilization with all its economic, security and even social ramifications.

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Oil and Arabs’ Sovereignty

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Oil is a strategic substance. It is a matter of life and death for Western civilization with all its economic, security and even social ramifications.

The United States’, and before it Britain’s, seeing the oilfields in others lands, particularly in Arabia, was a geological mistake. They believe that its real owners were the ones who discovered it and invested billions to extract it and it is their civilization which needed it most. Therefore, they are the ones who divided the one Arab nation in entities. Today’s normalisation will not change anything except the functions of these divided entities. The sufferings of the Palestinian people and other Arab peoples is nothing but a result of Western policies to dominate the resources of Arab natural wealth, the most important of which is oil and its petrodollars.

Arabs have world-class competencies and capabilities of oil sector. If there is will, the oil sector can be managed by the Arab hands. But the problem is exactly the same as in the Arab official system. If they had will, they could become a world power with a force of mass destruction to neutralise the entire western system. But they are brainwashed. The Lebanese were taught they are Phenicia, Egyptians are Pharaonics, Jordanians as Amorites, and Iraqis and Syrians are Sumerians and so on. The oil sector cannot declare itself independent serving the interests of the people without the producing countries have true political sovereignty. Politics and the economy are two sides of the same coin.

– (Dr. Abdulhay Y. Zalloum in Rai Al Youm)


Arab Cohesion

When we were young, we were taught an anthem which we could not forget even now. It was read as “Arab countries are my homeland… from the Levant to Tétouan.”  We grew up and with this the meaning of these resounding words also evolved. It became a dream which even now philanders the youth of the Arab nation, the lands which were united not by arbitrariness, oppression, grinding and killings, but through understanding, dialogue, love, and affection. Their hands and hearts are interlocked to achieve the object of rebuilding the foundations of this united nation, as it was during the days of their forefathers who have led the idea of divinely aided Arab Islamic thought. The differences, disagreements, discord, and conspiracies led to sectarianism, racism and repugnant factionalism as was wished by the enemies.

The colonial powers believe that if the Arabs can unite, they would pose a threat to it. This is because Arabs possess what others do not have in terms of human, cultural, geographical, and territorial advantages. Arabs own most important source of energy found in the contemporary world. It is “petroleum”, a substance on which entire Western industry depends to all production activities. This is why those who consider themselves super powers have apprehensions that, if there would be an Arab rapprochement, this would mean a full stop to all Western conquests.

– (Mohammad Salim Al-Balhan in Al Qabas)

 Compiled and translated by Faizul Haque