God, Save Pakistan!

The gunning down of Punjab Chief Minister Salman Taseer is just a straw in the wind which shows the way the extremist elements in Pakistan want to take the country to

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August 17, 2022

The gunning down of Punjab Chief Minister Salman Taseer is just a straw in the wind which shows the way the extremist elements in Pakistan want to take the country to.

Six decades ago Pakistan emerged as a country in which Islam would be practised both in spirit and word. It was meant to be a showpiece of Islamic way of life in action. Unfortunately it fell into the clutches of self seekers and dictators, and the common man there was never given a chance to give shape to the great dream that was Pakistan. Now Pakistan is less known for its pious people, its dedicated Muslims, its men and women of character, its social cohesion, its economic prosperity and its academic excellence, and technical and scientific achievements but more for negative news of bomb blasts, suicide attacks, targeted murders, bloodshed and for its subservient rulers who are eliminating their own people on the slightest hint of their western masters.

No other country on earth had the dubious distinction of kicking out its Supreme Court Chief Justice along with 54 other judges on not towing the line of the supreme dictator there.

Unfortunately the moderate Islamists like Jamaat-e-Islami people have been badly marginalised and the extremist religious elements are calling the shots. Otherwise how would you explain the situation that the biggest economic haraam interest is still prevalent in that country, murderers are roaming scot-free, and there is no accountability for worst acts of corruption and even high calibre murders? They are so irresponsible that they could not pinpoint who were the real culprits responsible for Benazir’s murder and who were the real conspirators. How much the talk of revenge is in the air can be gauged from the open declaration of Akbar Bugti’s son that he would reward land worth 100 crore rupees to any person who murders former president and dictator Parvez Musharraf who had got his father killed. Can there be any greater degree of depravity and debasement in political arena?

There appears to be smell of gun powder and blood in the atmosphere everywhere in that country. A very bad picture of Islam is being projected by the rulers and politicians of that country. While the silent sufferers are the common good hearted devoted Muslims of Pakistan, the greatest sufferer is Islam itself. The common man in Pakistan must rise, organise and do its best to restore order, decency, justice and mercy. For the present it appears to be just a dream or wishful thinking. There is darkness everywhere and no ray of hope. So, God save Pakistan, the land which was sought and created in Your mercy-filled name and in the name of Islam which You sent as a fountain of justice and mercy.