A high-profile IPS officer of the Gujarat cadre was caught cheating while appearing for an LLB exam at the Siddharth Law College in Gandhinagar. Rai holds the post of DIG (State Crime Records Bureau). He has many sensational cases to his credit and was instrumental in the arrest of D.G. Vanzara and two other IPS officers in the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case. He also raided a state minister’s house without permission of the government.
The incident took place when examinations for the LLB (first year) were being conducted across all the colleges affiliated to Gujarat University. At Siddharth Law College, one of the exam centres, a surprise check was conducted by a team of invigilators. During the check, Rai was caught by the squad, senior officials of the Gujarat University said. The team reportedly found answers scribbled on Rai’s footrule.