Hanging Saddam

Within a couple of hours after getting WTC twin towers collapsed as per programme, Bush told the world that now it is  “American justice” to take the course… And it did so. Afghanistan got napalm-bombed and ruined. Now “American justice” again. A hanged Saddam Hussein and a burnt, ruined, destroyed Iraq.

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June 14, 2022

Within a couple of hours after getting WTC twin towers collapsed as per programme, Bush told the world that now it is  “American justice” to take the course… And it did so. Afghanistan got napalm-bombed and ruined. Now “American justice” again. A hanged Saddam Hussein and a burnt, ruined, destroyed Iraq.

Western imperialists have their ‘glorious’ history of executing, assassinating and hanging. They rob people, kill innocent citizens, women, children, and babies; and then hang any head of the state.

Saddam Hussein might be a dictator. He was certainly a tyrant as far as his political opponents are concerned. But he was never as heinous and blood thirsty as Bush-Blair & Company are. The so-called “world community” should hang its head in shame for enjoying the drama and its drop scene with total indifference.

Er. Z.A. Mansoorie

New Delhi