Hassan Ghafoor has been appointed Mumbai Police Commissioner. He has now become a second Muslim to hold the post of Mumbai Police Commissioner since independence. Earlier, late Syed Majidullah was the first Muslim to serve as Mumbai Police Commissioner from March 1962 to February 1965. In a press conference, the newly appointed commissioner said that his first priority is to maintain and improve the law and order situation, to ensure full protection of Mumbai citizens. He assured that the fight against anti-terrorism activities would continue.
According to a report, Hassan Ghafoor, an IPS officer of 1974 batch, was born and brought up in Mumbai. His father Khwaja K.A. Ghafoor is a retired IAS officer who originally belongs to Hyderabad. He had served as Additional Chief Secretary of Maharashtra till 1976. The newly-appointed Police Commissioner Hassan Ghafoor is one of the most senior police officers in his state cadre (Maharashtra) and held various high posts in government departments. He had been Additional Police Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Additional Police Commissioner (Crime Branch) and Additional Director General, (Anti-corruption Bureau).