Homosexuality is the Biggest Killer – Real and Potential

The High Court judgment legalising homosexuality is shocking. This is like legalising murders, terrorism and rapes. Homosexuality is in fact much more dangerous than any of these, as it hassled, leads to and can lead to huge loss of life.

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July 3, 2022

The High Court judgment legalising homosexuality is shocking. This is like legalising murders, terrorism and rapes. Homosexuality is in fact much more dangerous than any of these, as it hassled, leads to and can lead to huge loss of life. Out of all forms of unhealthy sexual practices, homosexuality is the unhealthiest and has been the cause of the beginning of the epidemics of both Syphilis and HIV/AIDS. Here are excerpts from a report on the impact of homosexuality on health:

“Early reports in the 1980’s suggested that male homosexuals had an average life expectancy of less than 50 years – more than 20 years less than the overall male population. With the push for “safe” sex and improved treatments for AIDS, one would expect that the life expectancy might have increased since then. However, a Canadian study in 1997 found that male homosexuals have a life expectancy of 20 years less than the general male population (based upon a prevalence of 3% of the male population). Using several different measures, including life expectancy determined from obituaries, two large random sexuality surveys (in the USA and Great Britain), and a survey of those never married in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, indicated an average age of death of less than 50 years old. A third study, published in 2002, found that the median age of death of 88 homosexually partnered men was 45 years, while for 118 unpartnered homosexual men it was 46 years. This latter study put the average life expectancy of male homosexuals nearly 30 years less than the general male population. Another study showed that, on average, ever-married men outlived the ever-homosexually-partnered by 23 years in Denmark (74 yr. v. 51 yr.), and 25 years in Norway (77 yr. v. 52 yr.) Ever-married women outlived the ever-homosexually-partnered in Denmark by 22 years (78 yr. v. 56 yr.), and in Norway by almost 25 years (81 yr. v. 56 yr.). ….How does the average homosexual lifespan compare to the average life expectancy of smokers? On average, a lifetime smoker can expect the smoking lifestyle to reduce his life expectancy by only 10 years. However, smoking is vigorously condemned by the medical community and press, although it reduces life expectancy by less than half of that caused by a gay lifestyle.”

Obviously, homosexuality is a threat to whole mankind, and it is the biggest threat to the life of homosexuals themselves. In India, HIV prevalence, according to NACO surveys, is almost 8 times more than normal population. If legalising it helps anyone, it is the market. Gay literature, gay clubs and gay porn will mushroom with the result that more and more people will fall victim to homosexuality. To argue that it will help in the control of AIDS is absolutely nonsense. A little change in the law that ensures care of gay or HIV patients would have sufficed for that. AIDS cannot be controlled unless there is an effective campaign against prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and promiscuity.

It is to be noted that sexual demeanours have a much larger depressing effect on life expectancy than other evils like smoking, drinking and gambling. This is because sex related problems affect foetuses and men and women of younger age groups. “Sexual Revolution” is killing either foetuses and infants or the young people of 20-45 years in such big numbers that it is bound to reduce life expectancy by 20-40 years.

To say that homosexuality is natural is like saying that criminal tendencies are natural. These are not natural but human aberrations of most dangerous kind. Homosexuality has already become the harbinger of death of at least 40 million people that have died of AIDS so far. Its legalisation will surely lead to more people succumbing to it with greater spread of AIDS and other sex related diseases. There is a need to sexually isolate the HIV infected rather than legalising homosexuality in the name of AIDS so that they do not spread HIV to others.

[The writer is Director PEACE, an NGO based in Saharanpur, and author of The Killer Sex and In Search of a Comprehensive Solution for AIDS]