How to Make 2024 a Better Year

We should organize awareness camps, meetings and micro-meetings at our locations to discuss the issues confronting the nation and the importance of communal amity in the society. Let’s discuss the issues which undermine the development and damage the soft power that can help our country emerge as the super power, and discuss such narratives which…

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Saying goodbye to 2023, we have entered 2024. According to the saying of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the believers’ present should be better than their past. So, we should expect the entire community to prosper and make 2024 a better year than 2023.

The biggest challenge before the nationisthe political issues. India will be witnessing the Parliamentary elections this year. We, as responsible citizens, should endeavor to infuse values into the political system of our beloved country. Following are the approaches through which we can help improve the election process:

We the citizens of India should primarily vote to strengthen democracy and establish the rule of law, which should uphold the Constitution of India.

At all levels, we should discourage exploitation of religion for the sake of votes. The present-day political parties feel it more productive to use religion as an easy tool to garner the support of voters. Unfortunately, religion is being exploited to spread hate and divide the country, and thus increase their vote bank.While this is undesirable in any democracy and highly condemnable from the view of religion that, religion is used as a tool to create hate among the people. This is a great injustice with religion that our politicians are doing with religion. At this juncture, while it is the responsibility of all responsible politicians not to make use of religion for hate, it is also the responsibility of religious leaders to come forward with the true teachings and beliefs of their respective religions and spread the correct understanding among the people and to bring awareness that religion is not meant to help politicians to gain political power and exploit the resources of the country for their end. The primary duty of religion is to create spirituality and humanism among the people practicing that faith. But in the present scenario, it is very unfortunate that the sane voices of religious preachers are not gaining traction but rather those who are indulging in bigotry are gaining publicity in the mainstream media and social media. So, it is our responsibility to encourage the preachers who are struggling to spread the true message of any religion and bring communal amity and harmony in the society.

It is our responsibility not to encourage the discourses that spread hate in society in this particular year of election. Stop forwarding such messages, and stop watching such TV channels, media outlets and the influencers who are working on the negative agenda spreading hate and communalism in society.

We shall try to build such narratives which could build the society, spread humanity and communal amity and help build the society and the nation.

We should organize awareness camps, meetings and micro-meetings at our locations to discuss the issues confronting the nation and the importance of communal amity in the society. Let’s discuss the issues which undermine the development and damage the soft power that can help our country emerge as the super power, and discuss such narratives which overcome communal messages and discourage hatemongers.

We should create awareness that the right-thinking citizens, who really think about communal harmony, friendship and humanity in the society, should not keep quiet but rather should get registered in the voter list and cast their votes in early hours, and also motivate other people to come out of their homes and cast votes to strengthen the candidates who practice the values like peace, brotherhood and harmony.

These are the challenges that Indians would be facing and the responsible citizens of our beloved country should work day in and day out to see these values prevailing in the society in 2024.