Ideas on Business and Economics – Malaysia’s Chance to Reform the Teachings of Islam

Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. But the Constitution provides for other religions that can be practised freely. Since Islam is the official religion, it is incumbent upon the government to provide Islamic religious education in schools. The idea is to make Muslims knowledgeable of their religion. For those who wish to become Islamic…

Written by

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Published on

December 13, 2022

Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. But the Constitution provides for other religions that can be practised freely. Since Islam is the official religion, it is incumbent upon the government to provide Islamic religious education in schools. The idea is to make Muslims knowledgeable of their religion. For those who wish to become Islamic scholars, special Islamic schools are provided right up to university level.

The curriculum for religious classes is prepared by religious scholars. Sometimes, they become overzealous and want the students to have a deep knowledge of Islam, as if they are all going to be religious teachers and ulama. Besides this, they stress the compulsory rituals that Muslims must follow. To this, they add many rituals that are not compulsory. Some of these may not be in conformity with Islam.

The stress on the Islamic way of life is minimal. Yet, Muslims like to point out that Islam is not just a religion but is also a way of life. This involves the dos and don’ts, the merits and demerits, the rights and wrongs, the permitted and the forbidden. Together, they shape the way of life of the Muslims. If Muslims follow the way of life of Islam, they should be successful in life. But as we all know, Muslims are not doing well.

In Malaysia, all Malays are Muslims but the majority of them are poor and not successful in business and, generally, in life. Malays are pious. They are seen to be performing their prayers, they fast, they pay zakat (tithes) and they perform the Haj. They never neglect to affirm their faith in the one God (Allah) and that Muhammad ﷺ is His Prophet (messenger). But beyond that, what they do in life is not in keeping with the teachings of Islam. If one reads the Qur’ān in a language one understands (Malay or English), one cannot help but notice that many of the injunctions are not followed by most Malays.

  • Enjoined to regard each other as brothers, we see them deeply divided. They are fond of accusing each other as not being Islamic, not being Muslims even. And politically, they fight each other.
  • The Qur’ān forbids Muslims from killing, especially of fellow Muslims. But Malays do get involved in wars fought in the Arab countries.
  • The Qur’ān stresses repeatedly that when you judge, you must uphold justice. But there are Malays who disregard justice when they propose that Muslims and non-Muslims be punished differently for the same crimes. For the crime of stealing, they prescribe chopping off the hand for Malays and two months’ jail for non-Muslims. Is this just?
  • A woman who has been raped must produce four witnesses, or she would be accused of false accusation and punished. Yet, in the case of Yusuf and Zulaikha in the Qur’ān, the fact that the shirt of Yusuf was torn at the back was accepted as evidence that it was Zulaikha who was chasing Yusuf even though there were no witnesses.
  • The Qur’ān stresses that you must not cheat in business, that you must be a good witness and uphold the truth, and be trustworthy. And there are many injunctions and advice in the Qur’ān that would make Muslims good honest people who would be successful in life.

If the Malays are unsuccessful in life, it is because they do not follow the injunctions of the Qur’ān. They do not follow because they are not taught seriously to follow all the injunctions of the Qur’ān or even some of them. They do not follow because normally, their parents should teach them. But now both father and mother are working and have little time to raise their children the way it is advocated by Islam.

Since this is no longer possible, the schools must take over the task of instilling in Muslim children the value system of Islam, which influences the way of life of Muslims. It is therefore important for the educational authorities to re-examine the curriculum in schools.

The best time to instil values is when the children are young. So, the teaching of Islamic values must begin in kindergarten. Throughout their school life, Muslim children must be taught and examined on Islamic values and the way of life of Muslims. Teachers have to be retrained and new textbooks written based on the Qur’ān and verified hadiths.

Just as the early Muslims were able to build the great Islamic civilisation, so will modern Muslims achieve their renaissance and secure Islam, Muslims and the Muslim nations from being insulted, oppressed and unable to protect themselves as enjoined in the Qur’ān.

Malaysia has a chance to reform the teachings of Islam. We should do this now as we still have the capacity. We should teach Islamic values and the Islamic way of life as found in the Qur’ān and the verified hadiths.

We must not leave the interpretation of Islam to the teachers alone. Even the great scholars are mere men, and they will be biased in keeping with the version of Islam in their communities.

There is only one Qur’ān. It contains the messages of Allah to Muhammad ﷺ for mankind. Although there are allegories which lend to different interpretations, most of the messages are direct and clear. We cannot go wrong if we follow the clear messages. Thus, we cannot misunderstand the injunction for Muslims to regard each other as brothers, nor can we fail to understand that Islam forbids killing a man, be he a Muslim or a non-Muslim.

Having read the Qur’ān many times in Malay and English, I feel sure that if Muslims follow the injunctions in the Qur’ān, they would uphold peace and brotherhood, avoid wars and be just in the governance of their countries.

[This article first appeared in Forum, The Edge Malaysia Weekly, on May 3-9, 2021.]