PROF. M. RAFAT presents the history of imperialism and says that to save humanity from its clutches we should support Islamic Movement, which stands for justice, human dignity and unity of mankind.
To describe the contemporary political reality, an examination of reappearance of imperialism is a must. Broadly, imperialism of the west has passed through three stages after the “Enlightenment”:
A) The 18th and 19th centuries, in which the European countries colonised Asia and Africa.
B) The period following the World War II up to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This period is characterised by the presence of a bipolar power sharing arrangement at the global level.
C) The last two decades in which the world has become unipolar paving the way for a blatant and aggressive variety of imperialism. This imperialism has increasingly targeted Islam and Muslims.
The Britannica Ready Reference Encyclopaedia defines the term “Imperialism” as follows: “State Policy” practice or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.” (Vol. 5, p. 112)
Imperialism is sought to be justified by those who practise it. The Britannica Ready Reference Encyclopaedia mentions these justifications.
“Some theorists, such as Niccolo Machiavelli, have argued that imperialism is the justified result of the natural struggle for survival among people. Others have asserted that it is necessary in order to ensure national security. A third justification for imperialism…. is that it is a means of liberating people from tyrannical rule or bringing them the blessings of a superior way of life.” (Vol.5, p. 112)
Webster’s Encyclopaedic Dictionary defines “imperialism” as “the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies”. (Page.714)
Oxford Dictionary defines imperialism as “a policy of acquiring dependent territories or of extending a country’s influence through trade, diplomacy etc.” (1998 Edition)
These definitions describe the visible features of imperialism. However the specific historical phenomenon of the western imperialism has distinct characteristics of its own. A recognition of these peculiarities may be helpful in understanding the nature of and the motives behind the western imperialism.
Characteristics of western imperialism
In all its stages, the western imperialism exhibited unique traits. Prominent among them were
A) The idea of racial supremacy,
B) The claim of a “civilising mission”
C) The existence of ruthless exploitation of the colonised resources,
D) The creation of an alienated class
E) The arrogance arising out of and in turn justifying use of brutal power.
In addition to these five characteristics, the western imperialism in all the three stages has also exhibited an anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim stance. (Possibly in the second stage of a bipolar world, this anti-Muslim feeling was not explicit but it was fully on display in the first and in the third stages.)Both western and Muslim analysts have frequently traced this antagonism to the “crusades”. Besides analytical writings, the popular discussions and political statement have also referred to “crusades”. These recurring references are not accidental but point towards an important element in the texture of the western imperialism.
The world is now fast moving towards a bipolar reality, where the existing powerful pole of the western imperialism will come face to face with the emerging pole represented by the Islamic movement. The beliefs, the worldview, the matrix of ideals and laws and the way of life inspired by Islam are manifest in the whole of the Muslim community; however they find their clearest exploitation in the phenomenon known as “the Islamic movement”. This movement is the “authentic” representation of what Muslims stand for. In spite of superficial indications to the contrary, the Islamic movement embodies the natural leadership of the Muslim community and is rapidly becoming the focal point of the community’ ideals, hopes, and inspirations. The Muslim community under this authentic leadership is apparently destined to confront the contemporary imperialism and has the potential to liberate the world form the imperialistic onslaught.
Racial Supremacy or Unity of Mankind
That “the white race is inherently superior and should rule over the world” has been an implicit claim of the western imperialism. The term “whiteman’s burden” captures this attitude of racial superiority. A.B. Zahlan in his book Cultural Factors Relating to the Palestine Problem writes: “In the philosophy of Darwinian Collectivism, the fittest survive…. An American expansionist wrote in support of the conquest of Mexico:” The Mexican race now sees in the fate of the Indian aborigines their own inevitable destiny”.
The survival of the fittest was invoked to justify…. exploitation of “inferior races”. It provided a pseudo scientific rationale for the predatory behaviour of man. When Charles Darwin was putting forward his theory, the European was “shouldering” the “whiteman’s burden” in Africa and Asia and was embarking on a vast programme of political domination.” (Zahlan: Cultural Factors …. 1967, American University of Beirut)
In contrast to the racial superiority claimed by the western imperialism, the Islamic movement stands for unity of mankind. Racial distinctions, according to Islam, merely serve for mutual recognition; they neither imply superiority nor inferiority of one race, with respect to anther. Syed Qutb says: “Grouping according to family and tribe and nation, race, colour and country, are residues of the primary state of man; these “jahili” (ignorance inspired) groupings are from a period of man’s history when man’s spiritual values were at a low stage” (Mile Stones, Chapter.9)
Syed Qutb further says: “Only Islam has the distinction of basing the fundamental, binding relationship in its society on belief, and on the basis of this belief, black and white and red and yellow, Arabs and Greeks, Persians and Negroes, and all nations which inhabit the earth, become one community”. (Milestones, Chapter 7)
Imperialistic Tool of “civilising mission”
In the contemporary world, the global imperialism is undertaking systematic aggressive activities against the weaker countries: in the name of certain “noble principles”. The appeal to such noble principles is similar to the slogan of “civilising mission” used by imperialism in the past. (In its first stage when Europe colonised Asia and Africa), the noble principles, being used as pretexts, by the contemporary imperialism are:
A) liberalism
B) “human rights” protection
C) democracy
D) elimination of terrorism
E) nuclear free world
The slogan of “liberalism” is used to promote permissiveness and to insult Islam, Muslims and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be with him).
The issue of human rights is used to tame dictators and force them to fall in line with western policies. The slogan of democracy has been used to coerce Pakistani establishment, in order to create imperialistic military supremacy in the region. Afghanistan and Iraq have been systematically destroyed in the “war against terror”. Iran is continuously being threatened on the pretext of ensuring a world free of nuclear weapons.
That the “noble principles” enunciated are empty slogans and only serve as pretexts has now been established beyond doubt. Swearing by “liberalism” and ‘democracy” the imperialists of contemporary world actually continue to support the worst despots and dictators. While they talk about “liberty”, they do not want to give any freedom to the weak (and therefore dependent) countries. They even want to dictate the contents of the school syllabi in the weak and helpless nations. Human rights of prisoners have been grossly violated by the imperialists in the most horrible ways unimaginable. Torture and inhuman treatment is routinely sought to be justified and is being given legal protection. In states patronised (and coerced) by the global imperialism, the legal rights, hitherto available to the common people and the working class, are systematically being eroded.
As for the “war on terror”, it is well known that agencies serving the imperialists have over the years, hatched conspiracies systematically and carried out selective killings in many parts of the world. They have eliminated “inconvenient” individuals and have even shot down passenger planes to terrorise the weaker nations.
On the contrary, Islam does not permit illegal and illegitimate interference in the affairs of a country, in the name of “universal principles”. Islam advocates a consistent and principled foreign policy for the Islamic state and the Islamic state may not adopt dubious means to serve the so-called “noble” ends. The Islamic history of the early era is witness to this principle.
The real aim of imperialism was not to “civilise” people or to bring them from “darkness to light”. The actual aim was exploitation; naked, ruthless and brutal. This underlying fundamental motive of imperialism has been present in all it stages. A perspective analyst notes that:
“While democracy reigned supreme in England and America; China and India were being subjugated and enslaved; these countries were ruthlessly enchained and their cultures destroyed most inhumanely. The Indian industries were strangled to death only to give a lease of life to the Lancashire textile industry. China was impoverished only to enrich Britain…. Millions of Africans were enslaved and deported across the Atlantic in order to serve the European colonisers of the Americas, as living tools to minister to their Western masters’ greed for wealth.” (Khurshid Ahmad: Fanaticism, Intolerance and Islam, 1957)
The contemporary imperialism also seeks to establish monopoly over world resources. The “war on terror” is, in reality, a “war for oil”. The greedy capitalist has again been given protection by imperialism, as was the case in the past; when industrial revolution had just begun.
It may be remembered that Islam had also established a world empire at one time and a global civilisation; but in this empire, no region was exploited. Resources were not transferred from other regions to Arabia. People were not crushed, subjugated or enslaved. Islam established a global empire on the bases of equality, brotherhood and respect for human dignity irrespective of race or religion. The Islamic movement of today stands for the very same sublime ideals is sharp contrast to the contemporary imperialism.
The imperialism of the West has created a class among the colonised population; which is “alienated” from its culture and has imbibed the slave mentality. Khurshid Ahmed says: “In the minds of the generation, seeds of revolt against their own civilisation have been meticulously sowed (by the imperialists) and through the agency of education and mass media, an assassination of their mind and thought has been accomplished. Their culture and civilisation are not tolerated and the system of the west has been superimposed on them.” (Khursheed Ahmad: Fanaticism, Intolerance and Islam)
On the contrary, in the Islamic empire, no attempt was made to destroy the culture or traditions of any region: Syed Qutb writes:
“The Islamic civilisation can take various forms in its material and organisational structure; only the principles and values on which it is based are eternal…. The forms of the Islamic civilisation, constructed on these fixed principles, depend on actual conditions, and are influenced by and change according to the stage of industrial, economic or scientific progress. These forms are necessarily different and are a consequence of the fact that Islam possesses sufficient flexibility to enter into any system and mould that system according to its universal principles. When Islam entered central part of Africa, … it brought them (the Africans) into the vast circle of the Islamic community. (In doing so) it used the actual resources which were available.”
Arrogance of the West
Malcom X writes: “The white man has never gone among the non-white people bearing the cross in the true manner and spirit of Christ’s teachings – meek, humble and Christ like … (rather) …. he turned upon his non-white victims his weapons of war.” (The Autobiography of Malcom X, 1965, p. 176)
The believers, on the other hand, are expected to be humble and God-fearing. The Qur’an says: “As far the abode of the hereafter, we shall assign it exclusively for those, who do not seek superiority on earth nor want to cause mischief. The God fearing shall have the best end.” (The Qur’an Ch. 28, V. 83)
At this juncture of history, everyone of us has to make a choice, either to surrender to the contemporary global imperialism or to support the Islamic movement, which promises to liberate the world from the clutches of imperialism. Islamic movement is the only force today which has the potential to check the onward march of imperialism. The movement stands for justice, human dignity and unity of mankind. There is ample evidence that the world is indeed moving towards a global state. But the question is: will it be a capitalist state which will exploit human beings? Or will it be the Islamic state promoting universal values, equality and brotherhood? The choice is yours!