IRW Programme for Economic Stabilisation of Flood Victims

Under the Ideal Relief Committee Trust (IRW), a programme was organised on September 24, 2021 in Mahad (Raigarh) for the rehabilitation and economic development of the flood victims’ business in Konkan. According to a survey conducted by IRW Disaster Wing, checks and various items and machines were provided to 65 small traders for their economic…

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December 16, 2022

Under the Ideal Relief Committee Trust (IRW), a programme was organised on September 24, 2021 in Mahad (Raigarh) for the rehabilitation and economic development of the flood victims’ business in Konkan. According to a survey conducted by IRW Disaster Wing, checks and various items and machines were provided to 65 small traders for their economic development.

The IRW has spent ₹28 Lakh on providing welding machines for small workshops, fabrication work, computer centres, Xerox centres, electricians, cloth shops, grocery shops, footwear, dairies, general stores, and more. Machines and essential items were provided to 14 persons while checks of ₹10,000 to ₹100,000 were given to the remaining persons.

The programme was chaired by Syed Zameer Quadri (Chairman Ideal Relief Committee Trust, Maharashtra) and the project is being carried out in collaboration with Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Maharashtra. Dildar Purkar, Acting President Yuva Sanghatna, Mr. Pawar, President Patrakar Singh, Mahad and Social Worker Aslam Pansari were present as special guests in the programme.

The programme was organised by Ideal Trust Secretary Mazhar Farooque, Ashraf Asif,  Organiser, Jamaat-e-Islami, Kokan region, Amanuddin Inamdar, unit president, Goregaon and Rehan Deshmukh at Conference Hall Hotel Welcome, Mahad.

While presiding over the programme, Syed Zameer Quadri, said, “We do this service so that we can answer to Allah tomorrow that we have tried to fulfil the responsibility that was given to us.” He added that the teaching of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is that you should like for your brother what you like for yourself. If we follow it, we will have an ideal society, prosperity will come and problems will end.

The special guest of the programme, Dildar Porkar, renowned personality from Mahad, editor and owner of “Konkan ki Awaaz” and “Raigadh Cha Awaaz”, said that IRW volunteers carried out relief work immediately after the flood. We’ve seen their volunteers constantly on the lookout for relief and surveys. May Allah accept their services. Nilesh Pawar, President Patrakar Singh, Mahad, said that this work of Ideal Relief Trust is really commendable. Social worker Aslam Pansari said he also participated in these activities with these volunteers. Volunteers from the party and the Ideal Relief Wing work consistently.

The Konkan region has been devastated by floods for many years, but the government has not yet paid much attention to it. Syed Zameer Quadri drew the attention of the government to this and demanded that the government should implement the suggestions given by many committees formed since 2007 for flood prevention and its solution. Mazhar Farooque (Secretary, Ideal Relief Committee) said that Ideal Relief Trust, in collaboration with Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Maharashtra, has planned to resume business and repair 50 houses for 250 flood victims in Chiplun and Mahad from Konkan. It is estimated at around ₹ 1.5 Crore. The implementation of this plan has started from September 15, 2021.