All human life is sacred in the eyes of Islam, from conception to natural death. Only God (Allah), the Creator of all, can create life or ordain that it be taken away. The moment of death has been fixed in advance by God Almighty.
Our bodies belong to the Creator, and neither men nor women have the right to treat them as they wish. This includes all or part of our bodies and anything else arising from conception.
Suicide, euthanasia (assisted suicide or “mercy killing” or the withdrawal of food and fluid and abortion are all forbidden in Islam.
There is no single verse in the Holy Book Al-Qur’ān or in the sayings of the final Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless and greet him), which allows abortion. On the contrary, there are verses in the Holy Book Al- Qur’ān which are clearly against the killing of any foetus/baby or child, male or female, by any means and at any stage of pregnancy.
“Do not kill or take human life which God has declared to be sacred.” (Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 6, verse 151)
“Do not kill your children for fear of poverty: it is We who shall provide sustenance for them as well as you. Killing them is certainly a great sin.” Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 17, verse 31)
“Whoever kills a human being (soul), unless it is for murder or corruption on Earth, it is as though he has killed all mankind, and whosoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved the life of all mankind.” (Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 5, Verse 31)
Muslim women are described in the Qur’ān as (among other things) those who “do not kill their children.” (Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 60, verse 12)
In Islam women are asked to marry, conceive and maintain pregnancy till full-term and to produce many children. Only God will decide the end of every pregnancy. Every conception is legitimate and every pregnancy is desired and wanted: nothing is called “unwanted pregnancy.” Every child is regarded as a great gift from Allah.
Many verses in the Qur’ān describe beautifully and scientifically all the different stages of development / embryology and the growth of the unborn baby, winning great admiration for the Creator, the best of the Designers!
“And we created man from an essence of clay; then we placed him (her) as a drop in a safe place firmly fixed (womb); then we developed that drop into a clinging form (alaqah), and we developed that alaqah into a lump of flesh (mudgah), and we developed that lump into bones, and we clothed those bones with flesh (muscles)…. then we developed him (her) into another creature (foetus)… so blessed be Allah the best of creators.” (Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 23, verses: 12-13-14)
Islam also has stated clearly the rights of the foetus: apart from the right to life, the right to legitimacy, inheritance and the right to “no harm”, (if someone injures the foetus of a pregnant woman or causes his/her death, punishment and compensation will be handed down by an Islamic court).
Ibn Taymiyah, one of Islam’s great scholars, said: “It is the consensus of all fuqaha (renowned Muslim scholars) that abortion is prohibited.”
Al Ghazzali, a great scholar of Islam, indicated that it is a crime to disturb the fertilised egg of a human being, and the crime gets worse the further into pregnancy the disturbance takes place.
The fertilised egg (called Nutfa Amshajj in the Qur’ān), the basic foundation of every human being, is to be fully protected and respected.
Every fertilised egg contains the genes/inheritance from both parents with clear gender / sex: boy or girl!
According to Imam Malik (a well-known Muslim scholar): no abortion at any stage right from conception. Not only that, but Islamic law prescribes punishment for anyone performing or assisting in abortion:
Al-Gurrah (blood money) is payable if the baby is aborted dead. (At current rates this would be about £1000) Full Diyyah (about £20,000) is payable if the baby is aborted alive.
Throughout the world every time your heart beats an unborn baby dies – killed by abortion! In our eyes, these children are “innocent Muslims” and every Muslim in the world has a duty to stop this mass slaughter and to save the lives of the unborn children.
Every day in Britain some 600 babies are killed through abortion that is 200,000 a year!
It is a duty on every Muslim living in Britain to work to repeal the 1967 Abortion Act. Since 1967 (Abortion Act was implemented in 1968) more than 6 million babies have been killed by abortion in the UK (excluding Northern Ireland).
Muslims should watch out in the UN abortion under “Reproductive Health”, “Reproductive Rights”, “Control of Fertility”, “Population Control”, and even “Human Rights” (especially in United Nations Documents). Beware of Pro-Abortionists who use the words “Women’s Rights” and “Family Planning” to promote abortion through family planning clinics promoted by IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation and UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund).
Abortion is never “safe”! Apart from killing a living baby, it often causes women to suffer physical and psychological harm: post-abortion syndrome, cancer of the breast, and even death. The “Morning After Pill” causes early abortions that are never recorded. Unfortunately the majority of abortions done in the UK is for social reasons!
It is very important for the prevention of most unwanted pregnancies (and abortion) to have sex only in marriage and to propagate this crucial message (sex is for recreation and for procreation).
Muslims should work closely with Pro-Life organisations: Christians and others in order to stop the killing of innocent unborn babies at any place or any time (This is a Muslim duty)!
[DR A.MAJID KATME (MBBCH, DPM) is Pro-Life Pro-Family Muslim Campaigner in the UK & in the UN, Muslim Coordinator to the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), and spokesman of Islamic Medical Association, UK. He can be reached at [email protected]]