The standard Israeli history textbook tells a revisionist version of the creation of the state of Israel, containing the historically inaccurate myth that the Palestinians who were living in Palestine in 1948 left voluntarily when the state of Israel was created.

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June 11, 2022

The standard Israeli history textbook tells a revisionist version of the creation of the state of Israel, containing the historically inaccurate myth that the Palestinians who were living in Palestine in 1948 left voluntarily when the state of Israel was created.
Top Israeli historian Benny Morris is among dozens of Israeli researchers who documented the destruction of Palestinian villages, murder of Palestinians by armed Jewish gangs, and the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were living in the area, historically known as Palestine, which became the state of Israel in 1948. Now, for the first time, the Israeli government is recognizing the historical reality of these facts, with a new textbook which tells the well-documented and indisputable facts of the displacement of Palestinian residents during the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. But only Palestinian-Israeli students will be allowed to use the corrected textbook. Jewish Israelis will retain the historically inaccurate version in their schools. Most Israeli Jews and Arabs attend separate school systems, reflective of the two groups living in mostly segregated towns and neighbourhoods.