Israel’s Militancy

Lebanon’s political group Hezbollah’s declaration to attack Israel shows the unrest that Israel has caused in the West Asia.

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June 26, 2022
Lebanon’s political group Hezbollah’s declaration to attack Israel shows the unrest that Israel has caused in the West Asia. America’s puppet and ploy in colonial dreams, Israel was created on the poisonous ideas of racism. This was clearly reflected recently in the cold-blooded siege of Gaza where electricity, food, medicines and trade were all proscribed to the natives. These starving Palestinians, who are over 1.5 million in numbers, are refugees in their own homeland.
Another inhuman act of Israel was the use of UN-prohibited carpet bombs on Lebanese civilian clusters. Israel is also accused of dropping toy-like “cluster bombs”, which attract children and when touched – blast off, causing hundreds of innocents their lives.
Abdul Baseer