Renowned Islamic scholar and Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari, has launched his personal website. The website, which will be available in both Urdu and English, was inaugurated by Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Dr Shakil Ahmed in the weekly programme at JIH headquarters in New Delhi on April 19. The website will feature his biography, statements, interviews and his Juma sermons.
Those who were present in the programme included Chancellor Jamia Hamdard Saiyid Hamid, President All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat and Editor English fortnightly Milli Gazette Dr Zafarul Islam Khan and former Jamaat Ameers Maulana Sirajul Hasan and Dr Abdul Haq Ansari besides the members of the Jamaat’s Central Advisory Council (CAC)
Member CAC Syed Saadatullah Husaini demonstrated the website while another member of this apex body of the organisation Dr. S.Q.R. Ilyas conducted the programme.