Following its three-day Members Meet, the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind held a Public Convention on ‘Save the Country from Poverty, Slavery, Unrest’ in the ground of its headquarters in the Capital on November 7. The text of the Resolutions is hereunder:
This session of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) views with concern the growing inflation, unemployment and the unhealthy trends of economic policies. The country is heading towards growing economic disparity. The total wealth is increasing but the burden of progress is being borne by the poor masses; they are not benefitted by the fruits of development.
For a long time the rate of inflation has stayed above 10%. In spite of a very good monsoon, the government is unable to control inflation. The JIH feels that growing inflation and poverty are a consequence of the lopsided economic policies of the government influenced by global capitalism.
It is well-known that the present government come to power promising welfare of the common man but practically it is promoting the interest of capitalists. The rich are increasingly exempted from various taxes, while common man and middle class are being subjected to heavier taxation. Subsidies are gradually being diluted or completely withdrawn. The expenses on infrastructure in cities are increasing. Common wealth games and similar gimmicks are consuming vast recourses but allocation for welfare schemes is being curtailed.
Agriculture sector is being ignored and marginalised with only 17% investment. In spite of increasing prices, the government is not willing to curb spurious speculative dealings. Farmers are being compelled towards suicide. This session demands that the government provide interest-free loans for farmers. In this scenario, the JIH invites people towards the Islamic teaching regarding economy. By prohibiting interest, gambling, speculation and unfair economic practices, Islam presents an economic scheme which ensures justice for all and fair distribution with viable progress.
This session demands that interest-free Banking be permitted in the country by enacting suitable legislation. The government must review its current policies and amend them to ensure justice for people. It should prohibit speculative and spurious deals. Oil prices should be brought down and excessive taxes withdrawn. Subsidies and allocation for welfare schemes should be enhanced.
The JIH session deplores growing corruption and malpractices in public life. There is a growing nexus between politicians, corrupt bureaucracy and the capitalists to exploit the public resources. Even cabinet ministers are believed be involved in scams. To promote multinationals, the interests of local companies are often compromised. In IPL games, for instance, politicians, film actors and industrialists are accused of connivance and widespread corruption. Mineral wealth of the country is being appropriated by dishonest officials. These examples demonstrate the widespread malaise of corruptions in public life. Even judiciary is not free of this concern.
In the media paid news is a new deplorable phenomenon. Corruption is now a well-organised activity in which politicians and those in power freely participate. If various institutions in the country, thus gradually succumb to corruption, the whole structure of checks and balances would crumble, leading complete anarchy.
This situation is caused, among other factors, by the atheistic worldview which in particular has penetrated the system of education and public discourse. JIH is convinced that this serious issue may be addressed only by inculcating true belief in the Almighty Creator and by developing in people the sense of accountability before Him. Islam stands for promoting living relationship of every human being with the Almighty, naturally resulting in a harmonious system of moral values. This belief moulds the whole society and it becomes obedient to God. All individuals develop the sense of responsibility before God and are trained to control their desires. Islam also presents a balanced system of laws prescribing penalties from various acts of corruption.
There have been, in the recent past a series of disruptive acts and bomb blasts in our country. The JIH session condemns such acts and regards them as a heinous crime against humanity. According to the Qur’ān, unjust killing of even one human being is tantamount to killing of the whole of humanity.
The government and the media routinely respond to such disruptive acts by squarely blaming Muslims without any evidence. Muslim youth are indiscriminately arrested and imaginary Muslim sounding organisations are accused of terror. Now detailed investigations have revealed the role of Hindutva supported elements in the blasts of Makka Masjid, Ajmer, Goa and others. Events in Kanpur and Nanded point towards a wide network of such elements.
Even retired police and army personnel are involved. The whole conspiracy is yet to be exposed. In this context, the pertinent questions raised on the killing of the police officer Karkare, are also very relevant. Possible international links of this disruptive network also meet investigation.
JIH explores the fact that even like this exposure of Hindutva inspired criminals, very large number of innocent Muslim youths are still behind bars and baseless allegations and fabricated stories are still being used to harass and torture them.
The JIH session demands that real culprits behind disruptive acts should be identified. The innocent Muslim youth should be immediately released. All cases of police encounter should be probed; the guilty officials should be brought to book who have so far protected the natural miscreants and have misguided the whole country and the public.
JIH deplores principled changes in the foreign policy of our country. Traditionally, Indian foreign policy of our country has focused moral norms and promotion of justice on the global plane. Accordingly, India has stood against imperialism, has supported the weak and exploited countries and fought to promote equality and fair play in the international arena.
India’s stand against racial discrimination in South Africa earned for it, widespread respect. The world has long regarded India as leader of the third world and champion of justice.
But unfortunately, the traditional policy is now being changed. Under American pressure, we are supporting its unjust actions; values as well as our country’s independence are being compromised. Civil nuclear liability bill and vote against Iran are recent instances. The liability of American companies has been reduced to an absurd minimum. Instead of the lives of millions of Indians, American companies’ interest has been given greater weightage.
The JIH session notes with concern the growing ties with Israel. India is the largest market of its weapons. Trade with it has increased 25 times and there is growing dependence on Israel in intelligence sharing, security and defence. This is an ill omen for our independence and self-respect. We are ignoring the just cause of Palestine. Gandhiji’s support for this cause is well-known. We are silent on the issue of Palestine’s freedom. We don’t even have the willingness to protest against excesses on them.
JIH session condemns the actions of America and Israel which are responsible for unrest and conflict throughout the globe. JIH demands a review of India’s foreign policy to bring it in line with India’s traditional role and demands of justice.
JIH asserts its convention that Islamic concepts of global justice and human brotherhood are durable basics for peace. It invites the attention of the world towards the Islamic teachings which form the viable formulation for a just and equitable world order.
JIH session demands that food be recognised as a basic right, as promised the by government; by enacting proper legislation. This is a basic responsibility resting on the government; on the contrary the government is actually planning measures which may worsen the situation.
JIH session notes with regret that the government has rejected the recommendations of National Advisory Committee, on the pretext of paucity of resources, this from a government which seems to have enough resources for commonwealth games.
In global hunger index, India occupies 64th position among 85 countries 70% of children and 55% of women suffer from malnutrition. Even capitalist economies are able to make 5% improvement in food provision for poor with 10% growth. We can’t even manage an improvement of 2%. Lint
This session rejects the unrealistic definition of poverty and regards withdrawal of subsidies as cruel and unjust. To fix Rs.11 a day as the limit demarcation poverty and deny the facilities of public distribution system is absurd. This session deplores the government’s narrow view in which only grains constitute food. No one can service on wheat or rice alone. There must be provision for oil, Kerosene, pulses, Sugar and the like. The present measures should be amended and benefits of public distribution system should be available for everyone. Every family of average size should be provided 35Kg of grain a month.
Muslim Educational Institutions:
JIH session demands that the government must affirm and declare in clear terms that Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia Delhi are Muslim minority educational institutions. It is amazing that on one hand, the government talks about deprivation of Muslims in education and even makes some cosmetic promises to undertake remedial measures. But on the other hand, it is not prepared to acknowledge in clear terms that AMU and Jamia are Muslim minority institutions, within the meaning of relevant constitutional previsions; though the whole world knows that these institutions which are now a century old are part of the Muslim heritage. Does one need to bring evidence to establish such obvious facts? This hypocrisy of the government is most unfortunate. The government’s attempt to hoodwink Muslims must be rejected. The JIH session demands that the government must honour the historical truth about AMU and Jamia. This session appeals to all enlightened sections of the public to support the just demands of Muslims.
The JIH session regards the judgment about Babri Masjid, delivered by Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court, as most unfortunate. Instead of honouring the requirements of justice and reliance on competent evidence, the court has relied on so called “AASTHA”. This is contrary to reason and rule of law.
In this regard, this session endorses and supports the decision of the Muslim representative forum, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board. The board has decided to take this matter to the Supreme Court.
As regards the issue itself, this session reiterates the well-known Islamic position that a mosque belongs to God. It cannot be sold or otherwise given away nor its character as a mosque may be altered for any reason, whatsoever. No compromise is possible in this respect. A government may not acquire a mosque. Irrefutable historical facts testify that Babri Masjid is indeed a mosque. It was not built forcibly occupied land; nor was any temple demolished to build it. Justice demands that the mosque be restored to Muslims, as it existed prior to December 22, 1949.