The manifesto (Radiance, 5-11 April) is full of worthy thoughts, but suffers from several structural weaknesses. But the Jamaat also needs to explain why it is not in the fray to fight this battle itself. For, isn’t the Jamaat best qualified, even duty bound, to fight this politico-electoral battle?
The Jamaat, along with all other Muslim formations, groups, parties first needs to enter into a ‘peace accord’ with the people of India; it then needs to give birth to a political party, led by God-fearing Muslims; the doors of which would be open to constructive non-Muslims; its manifesto pledging to serve the people of India generally but its poor and wretched particularly; through the secular principles of Islam.
Its aim should be to establish a righteous and just plural society in this blessed country of ours; for that is what the souls of the people of this country are crying out for.
Chaudhari Fariduddin
Safat, Kuwait