Jamia Millia Islamia has formed two committees to help its students detained by the Delhi Police. The decision was taken after the Academic and Executive councils held an emergency meeting on September 25. The 125-member Academic Council decided to support Vice-Chancellor Mushirul Hasan in his endeavour to give financial aid to the students.

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Published on

June 23, 2022

Jamia Millia Islamia has formed two committees to help its students detained by the Delhi Police. The decision was taken after the Academic and Executive councils held an emergency meeting on September 25. The 125-member Academic Council decided to support Vice-Chancellor Mushirul Hasan in his endeavour to give financial aid to the students. The Legal Aid Committee will provide legal help to the students and the Student’s Relief Committee will raise funds from staff and students for providing legal aid, as and when necessary, to the Jamia students.

“The AC endorsed the stand taken by the Vice-Chancellor for providing legal assistance to the Jamia students detained by the police. Further, it deliberated at length upon the recent crisis in the locality and its repercussions on the campus. The AC unanimously expressed deep concern over the continuing detention of Jamia students in police custody in connection with their alleged involvement in terrorist activities,” a JMI statement released on September 25 said. “It is outrageous to castigate an 80-year-old university on the basis of unproved charges against a couple of students. Under these circumstances, Jamia should defend its constitutional, legal and moral rights while preserving its liberal secular character,” it added.