An important 3-day session of Central Advisory Committee (CAC) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, which concluded on October 12, deliberated on the global financial crisis, political situation in the country, the forthcoming elections in some states and also the general elections as well as the prevailing situation in the country. The CAC was presided over by Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umri. The following members participated: Maulana Mohd Sirajul Hasan, Dr. Abdul Haq Ansari, Prof. K A Siddiq Hassan, Mr. Mohd Jafar, Mr. Nusrat Ali, Dr. Mohd Rafat, Maulana Shafi Moonis, Mr. Syed Ghulam Akber, Mr T K Abdullah, Dr. Hasan Raza, Dr. S Q R Ilyas, S. Ameenul Hassan, Eng. Mohd Saleem, Eng. Syed Sadat Husaini, S M Mallick, H. Abdur Raqeeb. Mr. Mujtaba Farooq, Maulana Rafeeq Qasmi, Mr. Iqbal Mulla, Mr Abdul Basit Anwar, and Mr. Muhammad Ashfaque Ahmad participated as special invitees.
The Jamaat’s CAC adopted the following resolutions.
The Central Advisory Council (CAC) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) expresses its concern over the ongoing global economic and financial crisis (manifested by depression, galloping price rise, food crisis and unemployment) and its devastating impact on the poor people of the country. Jamaat feels that apart from the capitalist greed, the misguided financial policies based on the interest and speculations, are responsible for this turmoil. For its long-term solution, we should proceed towards a just economic system free from interest, speculation and exploitation, which characterise the capitalist system.
Jamaat appeals to the government of India to draw lessons from this crisis of global dimensions and shun the economic policies imposed by the imperialist forces. Instead equity and risk sharing should form the foundation of our financial system and interest and speculation should be eschewed.
The session also demands immediate implementation of the recommendations of Raghu Rajan Committee of Planning Commission; endorsing the need of suitable legislation to allow interest-free banking in the country. This will address the root cause of the crisis and lead to its lasting resolution.
The CAC expresses its concern over the incidents of bomb blasts and disruptive acts in various parts of the country. It condemns all such acts and terms them as shameful and anti human in which innocents are being killed and their families traumatised. The CAC demands impartial and honest probe into all such incidents and framing of a sensible and effective strategy to check them and apprehend the actual culprits.
The CAC expresses its extreme concern over the usual scenario which invariably unfolds after all such deplorable events. Immediately after such happening, Muslims are blamed for them by the police and the administration. The media follows suit and broadcasts its own exaggerated version of the police narratives. Innocent Muslims are then rounded up in large numbers, often illegally and then tortured. Muslim localities are subjected to police terror and witch-hunting and an anti-Muslim hype is created. All this is done without any evidence or proof. This recurring scenario in various parts of country has created in a section of Muslims a sense of disillusionment and fear, extreme anger and unrest in another section. On the other hand, this scenario embitters the relations between communities and further widens the unfortunate communal divide which encourages the disruptive forces and elements. If effective steps are not taken to remedy the situation, the country will be at the mercy of anarchic elements.
Besides impartial and professional unbiased investigation, the CAC demands that all innocent detainees should be immediately released. The police should follow the procedure laid down for it by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and the instructions of NHRC and refrain from torture and human rights violations of detainees, suspects and public. The so called confessional statements, extracted under duress and through dubious means, are routinely released by the police to the gullible media. This blatant violation of the legal procedures should stop immediately.
The CAC particularly appeals to Muslims to remain calm and display sobriety and maturity by their conduct. They should neither be provoked nor get frustrated but should face the situation coolly and patiently. They should remain firmly committed to the divinely revealed religion and seek the Almighty’s help and guidance in these difficult times. They should not bow down to harassment and terror but resist the tide of injustice with the help of all peace loving citizens of the country.
The CAC regards the first instalment of the Justice Nanavati Commission’s report (on Godhra’s deplorable event and the 2002 Gujarat riots) as disappointing and rejects its conclusions. The Report has totally ignored the findings of the Ahmedabad Forensic Lab and of Justice MC Bannerji Commission. Instead Nanavati Commission has relied on the statements of the rioters and fake witnesses and implicated the innocent Muslims of Godhra. It has thus tried to save the fascist elements and absolved them of the charges of genocide. This is grass violation of the best tradition of the legal fraternity. Many responsible citizens including Justice J S Verma and Mr. Kuldip Nayar have termed the Nanavati Commission’s Report as biased. Tehelka‘s sting operation had recently published the confessions of the rioters themselves and the statements of the attorney general, which contradict the Nanavati report.
The CAC urges upon the public and the civil society to reject this biased and misleading report. The public should demand constitution of a high powered impartial inquiry commission, by the central government to arrive at the truth of Godhra and Gujarat anti-Muslims riots of 2002.
The states of Orissa, Assam, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh have recently witnessed anti-minorities riots. The CAC expressed its deep concern over this alarming growth in anti-minority violence and condemns it in severest terms. The indifference and criminal indulgence amounting to connivance displayed by the central and state governments in these riots is most deplorable. Though there were visible signs of communal discard, yet the state governments did not take preventive measures. When riots occurred which are continuing even now, the governments have totally failed to stop them. Apart from feeble and ineffective utterances, the central government has remained a mute spectator and displayed no concern for the loss of human lives and property. As a consequence, the communal situation is worsening and the gulf between various sections is growing. At this juncture, sincere citizens should take the initiative and prevail upon the governments, the administration, the police and the media to restore sanity and rule of law. Justice should be ensured for all and confidence of the people should be restored.
The CAC demands punishment to the guilty rioters and immediate release of innocents routinely rounded up from among the victims themselves. The CAC demands compensation and rehabilitation of the victims and their families. The erring police officials should be held accountable for failing to check the communal riots and action should be taken against them according to the law. The media should refrain from sensationalism and bias; instead it should behave in a responsible and unbiased manner. It should not fan the aggressive sentiments to provoke people but restore sanity in the society.
The CAC expresses its deep sympathy to the victims of the riots and their next of kin. It prays to the Almighty for the speedy recovery of those injured in the riots and appeals to the public to generously help the affected persons.