Following a series of civilian deaths by foreign troops, the Afghan government ordered a review of regulations governing the conduct of US-led forces in the Central Asian Muslim country.

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July 3, 2022

Following a series of civilian deaths by foreign troops, the Afghan government ordered a review of regulations governing the conduct of US-led forces in the Central Asian Muslim country. The review came at the request of Afghan parliament after 140 civilians were killed in US air strikes in western Afghanistan earlier this month. An Afghan investigation team appointed by President Hamid Karzai had travelled to the Bala Buluk district of Farah province in western Afghanistan. The delegation visited the site of the incident, the graves, assessed intelligence authorities’ reports, met with the ulema (religious leaders), elders and locals to complete their investigations. Based on local accounts, reports of intelligence authorities, professional assessments and observations, it put the number of the martyred in this awful incident at 140 and the number of wounded at 25. Anger has been growing over the trigger-happy behaviour of foreign troops in Afghanistan. Following a deadly NATO strike that killed at least 90 civilians last August, Afghanistan and foreign troops agreed new measures governing the conduct of the 70,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan. Civilian casualties are fuelling unrest in the country.