Today Muslims are being suspected and terrorised. This is not a healthy trend. “In my view Terrorism has no religion. It is not restricted to any particular religious group or geographical region rather it has acquired a national dimension. All of us together have to find a solution of it,” remarked Mr. K.P.S. Gill, former Director General of Punjab at Ludhiana at a seminar-cum-debate’ programme on February 8. He categorically opposed the option of going to war with Pakistan. “War with Pakistan cannot solve the menace of terrorism as both India and Pakistan are nuclear capable neighbours.” He further added that terrorism cannot be fought with arms and weapons. To eliminate this it is extremely necessary to wipe out the mentality which brews it. “To level every Muslim as terrorist is a falsehood. And to associate Pakistan’s evil designs with Islam is also absolutely wrong.” Another method to curb terrorism Mr. Gill proposed was “to appoint a Muslim as a chief of Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS).”
Speaking on the occasion, Naib Shahi Imam Maulana Usman Rahmani Ludhianvi noted, “Security Agencies must be ashamed that they suspect any Muslim sporting a beard and wearing Topi (Muslim cap). In fact the real terrorists are those corrupt officials who issue licences, ration cards, voter ID cards to foreign nationals in exchange of petty sum of money.
“I ask those who call Muslims terrorists; tell me whether Naxals, BODO, ULFA and Sadhvis are also Muslims. The reality is that in the name of fighting terror only Muslims are being targeted and tortured,” observed the Naib Imam.