Leave Congress to Its Designs

The thrust of your editorial “Incurable Prejudice” (Radiance 17-23 December) is that the Prime Minister is the knight in shining armour and the BJP and the RSS are the villains of the piece.

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June 14, 2022

The thrust of your editorial “Incurable Prejudice” (Radiance 17-23 December) is that the Prime Minister is the knight in shining armour and the BJP and the RSS are the villains of the piece.

My experience spread over six decades shows that, in almost all matters dealing with the hapless in general, and the Muslims in particular, no Congress or Congress dominated government means what it says nor does it do what it says…. with very few honourable exceptions, of course, one of which was that of Rajiv Gandhi in the aftermath of the Shah Bano episode.

The Indian Muslim community must leave the Congress to its hypocritical designs….and must change the context in which it is living in India, through a modern day version of the “Truce of Hudaibiya” and then begin expressing itself through a completely new socio-political vocabulary, based on the secular components of Islam if it wishes to regain its place in India.

Needless to say, the most important element of this new vocabulary, expressed through a political party led by God-fearing Muslims but open to constructive non-Muslims, should be the service of the poor and the wretched of this blessed country of ours.

In its quest for safety, security and justice for itself, Muslims must rely on God though it is useful to appeal to the sense of honour of the vast majority of the Hindus. It must, simultaneously, urge the BJP and the RSS that it was high time they gave up the company of their lumpen elements who are as hateful as they are cowardly.

Chaudhari Fariduddin

Safat, Kuwait