The Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan said some people in the country who still continue to be alienated from the benefits of the legal system and the freedoms offered by the Constitution of India.
“They are victims of circumstances and of fate and are deprived of legal benefits for no fault of their own,” the Chief Justice said while addressing the first convocation of the Hidayatullah National Law University Raipur held at the Chhattisgarh Assembly Auditorium, where he was invited as the chief guest of the ceremony, on July 12.
He suggested to law students and lawyers about the greater need to create legal awareness among masses and make them understand their legal rights and means of availing them.
The Chief Justice asked the legal luminaries and the young law graduates to bring law at the doorstep of every citizen and use law as a tool of social engineering. He asserted that the degree should not just end as a figurative representation of what the students have achieved in their legal education. He called upon the young graduates to guide the legal profession and influence social, legal and political changes.
“ At times, people who attempt to operate the legal system are often caught within the labyrinth of the legal system without any guidance. It is this gap of knowledge and information that the legal professionals should strive to bridge,” the Chief Justice stressed.
Degrees were awarded to 53 students of the Law University including both LL.B. (Honours) and LL.M. course during the convocation.
Chief Justice of Chhattisgarh High Court Rajeev Gupta and Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh were among the several dignitaries who were present on the occasion.