Gay-sex is not only against civil society but even contrary to nature’s rules set for all living ones, including human-beings. Indian Penal Code has several clauses which ‘interfere’, though rightly, in self-decisions of citizens least affecting rest of the society. If freedom to enjoy gay-sex among consenting adults is justified, then attempt-to-suicide should also be held justified because it should be right of a citizen to get rid of his/her life according to his/her own desire!
Legalising gay-sex will create problems for a civil society with youth opting for gay-sex out of fashion, or being forced by others to commit it. No child likes to become beggar in the beginning, but later like it because begging has much more income than normally earned through employment. Initial puffs started out of fashion cause discomfort at beginning, but later make youth addicted to smoking. Likewise legalising gay-sex will pollute civil society badly when more and more youth will become addicted to homosexuality either out of fashion or being forced initially by others. There will be wide-spread increase in sex-related diseases, and the government should have every right to check it by making homosexuality a crime in the manner attempt-to-suicide is.
Madhu Agrawal