Let’s Change the Course of History!

Palestinian conflict is not an isolated tragedy; it is a symbol of our haplessness in the contemporary world. Any attempt to remedy this malady in isolation could be carried out with zeal, passion and commitment. But it is bound to fail. Why?

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Palestinian conflict is not an isolated tragedy; it is a symbol of our haplessness in the contemporary world. Any attempt to remedy this malady in isolation could be carried out with zeal, passion and commitment. But it is bound to fail. Why? Because the Ummah is an organic whole, in simple parlance as the headache cannot be effectively remedied unless one takes steps to contain the fever which is affecting the whole body and is causing the headache. No doubt that Israel is mighty and fatal with access to every latest and hazardous technology but what they lacked in is true purpose and determination. The fatal epidemic of “love of world and fear of death” is enshrined in their souls. The Zionists are impeccable in wars taught with treason, remote control and aircraft; but they lose all their abilities and technology while combating face to face – history has proved this; Israel lost to Ikhwaan volunteers in ground battle of 1948, 1973, 1982 and most recently they eventually withdrew from Lebanon while fighting against Hezbollah.
Thus if Muslim countries want a solution and a just solution to the problem, they have to first shed the assumption that “Israel is invincible”. When this becomes clear whatever tactics and strategy will be adopted that will not be any more defensive and fruitless like Oslo but aggressive and consequential like Intifada.
Israel is however not invincible yet to subjugate it is not a child’s play. It must be kept in mind always while dealing with Israel that it is not a weak and isolated entity but a powerful and sovereign “state” backed by America and NATO Allies. The most effective strategy could be to isolate Israel in the international community. Israel is standing on the crutches of US, Britain and NATO. No sooner than these crutches could be pulled out efficiently; Israel will crumble under its own weight. It must be taken for granted that in the current situation of international relations the governments of US, Britain and NATO will not let Israel isolate. Then talking about such “ambitious strategy” seems more like of living in a fool’s paradise. These countries are democratic in nature and if adequate public pressure is created these governments will have no option but to retreat. After all however much they love Israel they love not it more than their respective governments.
On the part of the Muslim States and especially Arab States, there is a need for redefining sovereignty, regaining strength and reclaiming independence. In the very first place they first come out from the web of neo-colonialism and globalisation by paying any cost. Then they must take concrete steps towards completely getting rid of the American and European outposts and military bases. Then there is a dire need of developing competent technology to extract pressure and independently trade the black-gold.
Yes! Your apprehension is right; Superpowers will not allow attempts of any Muslim country to achieve ‘Independence’ in real sense of the term. History is related with arguments to substantiate this fact. Algeria, Palestine, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq … and many more. It is true that if a Muslim country be it Iran, Syria, Lebanon or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan will try to enlighten herself with self determination, sovereignty and true independence, it will be extinguished by US and co. Their neighbors will also assist the oppressors with forces and bases (as was the case with Iraq and Afghanistan).
In this scenario what is required is not isolated but collective endeavour to attain independence of conscience – independence of internal and foreign policy. Such independence process could be initiated by passing a resolution to that effect in Arab League or OIC. OIC must also be developed in a military alliance.
It is high time that Muslim countries forget their disputes and achieve the much coveted unity in their rows. The attitude of aligning with enemies and pulling leg of our own brethren must be replaced by the mutual cooperation, collaboration and understanding. As the Holy Qur’an says:
“O you who believe! When you meet an enemy be firm …and recall Allah…and do not get into disputes (among yourself), lest you lose heart and lose your power; And be patient and preserving surely Allah is with those who patiently preserve.” (Al –Anfal – 45-46)
There is a need of greater democracy in Muslim countries; the will of people must be respected. People must have more say in elections or at least in important policy decision of the government.
The establishment of the state of Israel is a “historic lie” which is fabricated to impostor the truth in the eyes of international community. For example, the hypothesis of the foundation of Israel is “A land without people for a people without land”. This is an extremely egregious lie – glibly uttered – as the truth only says that Palestine was never “without people” in the known history of mankind. But do you believe that 72% of ‘educated’ Americans still believe in the theory. Likewise today international community is well aware of the threat of “Palestinian terrorism” but they are ignoramus of the real face of the Israel’s “generosity”. For example, people knew that in 2006 Hezbollah captured two Israel’s soldiers and thereby initiated the war but hardly any one knew that Hezbollah’s action was in retaliation of the captivation of two Lebanese doctors by Israel forces. They also did not know that there are more than 10,000 Arabs languishing illegitimately in Israeli prisons.
Media is busy vindicating every assault of Israel as an act of“retaliation” and isolated Palestine retaliations as “planned terror attacks”. In this scenario it is our responsibility to make the world aware of the barbarity of the Israel. We should “exploit” every type of media and should strive to develop a consensus on the issue round the globe. When public will become aware of all the true side of the Israel, then only they will be able to put a kind of pressure on their respective governments. If they remain ignorant as they are now their sympathies will also weigh on the wrong side.
The interest of US and European powers in the region is mainly economic, though military considerations are also there. Muslim countries must start a concrete and complete economic boycott of the countries supporting Israel, – ‘Hit them where it hurts’. To achieve this feat consummately there is a need of assuaging our dependence on these foreign goods and develop our ‘Desi’ alternative instead. This strategy if succeeded will prove a hallmark in the movement liberating the occupied lands.
Another blunder was done by calling the Palestinian issue a mere regional territorial dispute. From this bottle the jinn of Arab Nationalism or socialism came out and is still out of control (though impact of socialism is contained after destruction of the Soviet Union). Now at this point of history this should be clear that it is a problem of mankind is general and all ‘Muslims’ in particular. All the Muslims especially Muslim countries must prepare to discharge the responsibility as it is given in the Qur’an.
“How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of the feeble among men and of women and the children, who are crying: our Lord bring us from this town of which the people are oppressors:
Oh! Give us from thy presence some protecting friend! Oh give us from thy presence some defender” (An-Nisa -75)
Our responsibility also includes, beside spreading awareness of the miseries of our Palestinian brothers and sisters inflicted by usurpers, to force (build pressure) on our respective governments for taking justifiable stand on Palestine issue. It is unfortunate that even when Hamas Government and Palestine people are suffering these hands the  Egyptian Government has not opened up its borders that help could reach Palestine. Egypt must be diplomatically coerced to do so.
Israel on the sacred Arab body for more than 60 years has proved one thing definitely. And that is the fact that peace conferences or even talking of peace is casting pearls before swine as Umr Tismisani has argued “To establish friendship ties with Zionists is in vain because it can only be effectively concluded after paying the price of sovereignty and integrity of Muslim countries.” In 1948 when Arabs overpowered Israel in the first phase of the war Israel extended the hand of peace (ingenious Arabs did not know that Israel’s other hand behind is containing a dagger). In the respite so achieved Israel prepared, planned, got aid and then attacked the dormant Arabs meticulously to beat them. Likewise when intifada movement started achieving its declared goals Israel again played the “peace card” in Oslo; thereby sowed the seeds of enmity between Hamas and Al-Fatah they are still wasting their energies (money, man and power) against each other. So Muslims should learn lessons from the past. They must never agree on pithy reforms like municipal powers of Oslo, recognition of Israel as a precondition for peace, of any other illegitimate demands. We must never demand only restoration of pre-1967 situation – this is no solution. “We want extinction of Israel from the map of the world” was the determination of Iranian president Ahmedinejad. Thus there should be no bargaining as it is not possible and wastage of time. Sixty years have passed; generations have lived as refugees; now no more procrastinations. It is high time that we considered not only above mentioned guidelines but develop them into well thought strategy.
Let’s change the course of history!
I agree that these thoughts are not like chemical reactions which could be expected to bear fruits within seconds. Instead this will be a long, tedious, heart-thrashing and patience-testing battle. To witness Israel’s callous brutalities – and not to surrender, to see our endeavours not bearing fruits – and continuing to strive, to observe that truth is everywhere suppressed – and still trying to uphold it, requires ‘Sabr’- patience and steadfastness. This is one quality regarding which Allah has said,
“If there be of you twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and it there be a hundred steadfast they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve”(Al-Anfal-65)
Thus the Zionists have stopped Muslims from visiting and praying independently in Masjid Aqsa. Though they have transgressed all the limits of cruelty, callousness and barbarity, we as Muslims will never respond to any sabra and shatila with a counter one. Our war is against Zionist beasts and not against simple, ignorant Jewish folk among whom we can find several sympathies for the just Palestine cause.
A pertinent question could be asked that how come a common man who cannot influence government policies can contribute for Palestine cause. The answer is that a common man can help in Palestine cause by spreading awareness amongst his friend’s circles, by organising a lecture or movie screening, by writing letters and articles in mainstream media, by organizing rallies and presenting memorandums – when there is a will there is a way. If in the most unfortunate situation you cannot do anything! at least pray for your suppressed brothers and sisters and also pray for yourself that you be able to help them out.