The newly appointed chairman of Delhi Minorities Commission Kamal Farooqui said the commission would take up on preferential basis the killing of Hafiz Kamaluddin allegedly at the hands of Delhi police. He was replying to a question during a press conference at the commission headquarters in the Capital on May 15.

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June 17, 2022

The newly appointed chairman of Delhi Minorities Commission Kamal Farooqui said the commission would take up on preferential basis the killing of Hafiz Kamaluddin allegedly at the hands of Delhi police. He was replying to a question during a press conference at the commission headquarters in the Capital on May 15.

This was the first press conference since he took over the charge of chairmanship of Delhi Minorities Commission. Besides the chairman, the two other members of the panel – Arnold James and Pushpender Singh – were also present in the press conference.

“The commission would issue notice to the police officials involved in the killing of Hafiz Kamaluddin,” Farooqui added.

He further said that a delegation of the commission would call on the widow of Hafiz Kamaluddin to get first hand information and help her get justice in the case.

The commission chairman told the presspersons that the panel would play and active role in finding solution to the grievances and problems of the minorities. “We would launch an online complaint filing system.”

On the Union Government’s decision not to form a central madrasa board, Farooqui said, “It is well in accordance with the wishes of the Muslim community. Madrasas cover only 3 per cent of the Muslim population in the country; so the government should pay attention to 97 per cent Muslim population. The government should open sufficient number of schools in Muslim concentration areas to provide them with educational facilities.”