Auron ka hai Payaam aur, mera Payaam aur hai, / Ishq key dardmand ka tarz–e–kalaam aur hai! (Iqbal)
Here is another miracle of Islam for you. All kinds of people in this world have all kinds of “followers.” However, no one in the entire history of the human race – to the extent we know that history – had more devoted and dedicated followers than Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. Is it fair to say that? Yes or no?
You are looking for proof and miracles and I am giving you proof after proof and miracle after miracle. So give me a clear answer, at least in your own head say yes or no. Is what I am saying correct or is it not correct?
Did anyone else have a larger following in his own lifetime? Did anyone else teach and train as many of his followers as personally, directly and one–on–one as did Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam?
Were anyone else’s followers more devoted and loyal to him than were the followers of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam?
The eye–witness testimony of the unbelievers of Makkah, at the height of their hate and hostility toward him, was that they had never in their entire life, and throughout their experiences at the royal courts of the East and the West, seen a more devoted, obedient, respectful or loyal following than the companions of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.
Am I right or wrong in that?
The sheer magnitude of the following of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, during his own lifetime, that is not proof enough for you, Muslims? And beyond sheer numbers, the quality of the people who became his followers, is that not big enough of a miracle for you?
If it is not, then no miracle or proof in the world will convince, impress or satisfy you. For, in that case, what you want is not proof or miracle but something else.
In that case, maybe what you are really looking for is for the White people of the West, and in particular the American and the British White people, to leap out of their chairs and cry in unison, “Wow, what a miracle!”
Once that happens, maybe you will then go back to your homes and live happily ever after quoting and repeating to yourself and others “Look what the White folks say about Islam. They say Islam is right. Isn’t that amazing? And if they say Islam is a miracle, then it must be a miracle, right?”
I suspect Muslims that is what many of you are really after. You don’t seem to be in this for proof or miracle for yourself. It is the White people you want to make happy. I have had a lot of people come up to me and ask what to say when non–Muslim Whites and others say this or that about Islam.
Come on, let us face it.
You are not in this out of personal curiosity. You are not looking for personal satisfaction. You are just looking for ways to please, placate or shut up the White folks who may be critical of your Deen, or Qur’ān or Prophet.
Once the White Western critics are silenced, you will go your merry way till such time as some other White person jolts you out of your slumber with a new set of attacks or slander against Islam, Muslims, the Qur’ān and the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam?
Isn’t that what is going on here?
Wait, wait, wait, I am not done. I did not finish analyzing the supernatural phenomenon of the Ashaab of Sayyidina Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. So, help me to do that by answering some questions.
Were the men, women and children who responded to the call of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, just plain ordinary people? Yes, there were men among them, which is no big surprise. But there were also women – that is right women – among them, which many people probably never seriously thought about.
And there were also children among them. And there were slaves as well as free people among them. That is how broad the appeal and impact of the message of Islam was.
But you know what the common factor was that united them all? They were all lions, and lionesses and lion cubs, each one of them. That is right. That is who they were before they embraced Islam and that is who they turned out to be after they entered the noble fold of Islam.
They were the kind of people no one could trifle with. Their courage and confidence and their manhood and womanhood were beyond legendary. They were the only example of its kind in human history and no one at any time or in any culture, “religion” or place comes anywhere near them.
If you think that an Umar, or a Khalid or an Abu Bakr or an Ali or an Uthman or a Talhah or a Zubabair would listen to anyone or do their bidding just to make them feel good, then you don’t even begin to know or understand anything. Or if you think a Bilal or a Sumayyah or a Khadijah or an Umm Salmah or a Mus’ab were the kind of people you can push around, then, I really feel sorry for you.
These were men, women – yes, there were plenty of women among them – and children, slave and free, that mountains could not move and tigers could not scare. And yet words of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, moved and melted their hearts so profoundly that they jumped to carry out his slightest wish and command.
And the only reason they did not throw themselves at his feet in devotion and prayer was because he would not let them.
This is not the star–eyed musing of a naïve believer, this is the rock–solid evidence provided by history – the only true and genuinely authentic history of a period or people that exists in this world today.
So, don’t forget that it is people like these that became his “followers” – more loving, loyal, devoted and obedient than the followers of any other leader of any kind before or since.
[Write to the author at [email protected]. Also visit www.IslamicSolutions.Com and Listen to Pasha Hour International.]