Most Relevant Issue

Most Relevant Issue

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Published on

June 28, 2022

From the moment I’ve read the theme of the next ‘key’ issue of Radiance, I am eagerly waiting for it. Testifying the relevance of all aspects of the Prophet’s life is the need of the hour. A planet full of riots on one hand, and the believers of peace watching from a distance on the other, demands a Herculean task on the latter’s part.

The message of Last Apostle of Peace in our hands is a dose of oxygen for the breathless humanity today. Masses, educated or illiterate, must be shown that the canvas of the Prophet’s life can never be painted in black by ‘round-the-clock propaganda’. If the allegations of ‘sword power’ or mockery in cartoons were to hide this portrait then 1500 years was enough to wipe this image out from the face of the earth. With America-led War on Terror setting the world on dynamite, our Prophet’s noble message of peace has no time to rest, we can’t even waste our time in counting injuries.

A. Baseer
Hindu College, DU