The Indo-US nuclear deal on July 8 came in for sharp criticisms from various Muslim organisations, which described it as “anti-India” and vowed to oppose it tooth and nail. Five Muslim bodies condemned the deal, saying it seeks to establish a strategic alliance between India and the US, a relation which “would pose a serious threat to India’s sovereignty and independent foreign policy”. At a symposium on Indo-US nuclear deal and national interest, the organisations said they would start a movement to oppose the agreement tooth and nail.
“The deal is a covert design to have greater strategic alliance with the US. This will make India subservient to American imperialism. It is not against any particular community or religious group. The entire country’s interest is at stake,” Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan, president All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, said, adding that nuclear energy cannot solve India’s energy needs at all. “This will push the country to slavery.”
SQR Ilyas, Editor Urdu monthly Afkar-e-Milli and convener of the symposium, said efforts have been initiated to unite anti-imperialist forces to fight against the deal. “We will go to the people and make them understand the dangers of the deal,” he said.
President Indian National League Muhammad Sulaiman said the deal “will open the doors for the Americans to scan our reactors. NSG is under their control. This will affect our sovereignty.”