I am surprised by Soroor Ahmed’s inability to distinguish between elected posts of President, Vice-President and recruitment to public employment (Radiance, 29 July-4 August 2007 pp. 18-19). I agree with him that the representation of Muslims in legislatures is disproportionately low. This is partly because the political parties do not field adequate number of Muslim candidates even from Muslim concentration constituencies. But it is also because of division of Muslim votes among Muslim candidates, particularly in such constituencies. It is also partly because the Muslim community largely shuns membership of political parties. As for public employment, the recent Sachar Report has gone into the question in detail. There is generally an element of bias and prejudice which acts against Muslim candidates. This can be overcome only through reservation with a separate quota for Muslims, proportional to their population. Our proportion in the public and private employer is low also because of our educational backwardness. Let the community ensure that every Muslim child is enrolled in school and does not drop out and there shall be a miraculous change because universal education shall throw up merit to surmount all bias and penetrate all barriers.
Syed Shahabuddin
President AIMMM
New Delhi