Islamic awakening in Muslim intelligentsia became clear when Doctorate and Post-doctorate students in Japan from several Muslim countries like, Egypt, Pakistan

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June 22, 2022

Islamic awakening in Muslim intelligentsia became clear when Doctorate and Post-doctorate students in Japan from several Muslim countries like, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Algeria, Tunisia, Palestine and others gathered for 3 days to attend the annual conference of The Muslim Student Association of Japan (MSAJ) in Osaka, Japan. It was held during the Obon holidays in Japan on August 15, 16 and 17th. 280 foreign and 130 Japanese delegates participated. Two Professors, Esam Hamed Ai-Abdul Hafidh and Mohammad Al-Bbatairy, both well-versed in Islamic subjects were invited from World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) in Saudi Arabia and Dr, Samir El-Shaikh, Professor of Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University, Cairo. They gave five lectures in Arabic and English during the 3-day conference on various Islamic topics, as requested by MSAJ, and answered questions from the attendants satisfactorily. Two separate sessions were held for non-Muslim Japanese. These were attended by 130 Japanese people. The morning session of about one and a half hour was devoted to lectures in Japanese language by a non-Muslim lady Prof. Aisa Kiyosue and by the Islamic Japanese scholar, Mr. Sulaiman Hamanaka. The 2nd session was devoted to Posters, showing important features of Islamic history and Islamic teachings.