Nanotechnology at a Glance

Nanotechnology refers to the branch of science andengineering devoted to designing,producing, and using structures, devicesand systems by manipulating atoms and molecules at nano scale, i.e. having one or more dimensions of orderof 100 nanometres (100 millionth of a millimetre). It is science,engineering and technology conducted at nano scale.

Written by

Nazeer Ahemed Kazi

Published on

July 24, 2023

Nanotechnology refers to the branch of science andengineering devoted to designing,producing, and using structures, devicesand systems by manipulating atoms and molecules at nano scale, i.e. having one or more dimensions of orderof 100 nanometres (100 millionth of a millimetre). It is science,engineering and technology conducted at nano scale.

Nanotechnology isstudy and application of extremely small things and can beused across all other science fields such as Chemistry, Biology,Physics, Materials Science andEngineering. It is hard to imagine just how small nanotechnology is.One nanometre is a billionth of a metre or10 raise to minus 9 of a metre.

To illustrate, a sheet of newspaper is about 1,00,000 nanometre thick.Nano science and technologyinvolve the ability to see and control individual atoms and molecules. Everything on earthis made of atoms. For instance,our bodies are assembled in a specific manner frommillionsof living cells.Cells are nature’s nano machines.

HowdoesNanotechnology work? In order to understand this worldof nanotechnology, let us studythedifference betweengraphite and diamond. Both are made of carbon buthave different properties. Graphite is soft, diamonds are hard. Graphite is good conductorofelectricity whereas diamonds are insulator.Graphiteis opaque,diamonds areusuallytransparent. Bothhavetheseproperties because of the way carbon atom bond together at nanoscale.

In other words,materials canhave different physicalproperties on the nanoscale even though are still thesame materials.In its basic form,nanotechnology refers tothe manipulation of materialsat the atomic or molecular level.

Almost all religions of worldbelieve that nanotechnology plays animportant role for human beings in living theirlife.

Following arethe examplesofnanotechnology:

  1. Application Medicine:Customised nanoparticles arebeing developed thatcandeliverdrugsdirectly to a patient’s bodycells.
  2. Electronics:Increasingthe capabilities of electronicdevices,reducingtheir weight and powerconsumption.
  3. Food: Foodnanotechnology is having an impacton several aspects of foodscience,from how foodis grown and howit is packaged.
  4. Solar Cells: Many companies have developed nanotech solar cells that can be manufactured at significantly lower cost than conventional.
  5. Space: Advancements in nano materials reduce considerableweight of spacecraft,also reducing the amount rocket fuelrequired. These advancescould lowerthe cost of orbittravellingin space.
  6. Fuels:Nanotechnologycan address the shortage of fossil fuel by making production of fuelsfrom low grade raw materials economical.
  7. Better air quality and cleanliness of water.
  8. Chemicals thatfind place in construction industry: Nanochemicalshave been developed to improve the propertyof materials usedin constructionindustry from cement to emulsions.

Nanotechnology offers the potential for new and faster kinds ofcomputers.This also produces stronger and lighterwind turbines,ideal for improving early diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like cancer.

[Prof. Nazeer Ahemed Kazi teaches at SECAB Institute of Engineering and Technology (SIET),Vijaypur, Karnataka]