Need for Job-oriented Education

Need for Job-oriented Education

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August 10, 2022

The prevailing education structure in India is undoubtedly well equipped to meet the turbulent currents of change and the stormy waves of global complexities and challenges. Although it  has uplifted our  social, academic, aesthetic and  ethical values across the  boundaries, it still has some  significant  short-comings  as  it  fails  to  get rid of  the problems of  unemployment, under-employment  or the disguise  character of employment  among  our educated youth. Ironically, an educated Indian finds it easy when it comes to a foreign job but has to struggle in his or her own country. It is high time reforms were introduced in our education strategy so as to match opportunities and requirements. In other words, our education system must be 100 per cent  job oriented.

Majeed Mulla

Via E-mail