What novelty you contain tell me O’new year Why so much fuss, brouhaha everywhere

Written by

Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Published on

What novelty you contain tell me O’new year

Why so much fuss, brouhaha everywhere


The same daylight, the same starry night

Everywhere I notice the same old sight


The heaven never changed, nor changed the earth

Just change of a digit does not carry worth


The same course of last year, you are bound to maintain

Everyone knows, exact twelve months you contain


Jan. Feb. and March would bring the same winter bite

April, May and June are sure to show blazing might


You will lose something, achieve something in part

After completing the term, it is sure you depart


Bring forth new dawn, new evening, if you are really new

Else, many a like new year the eyes of mine did view


Worthless! why on you congrats everyone showers

Being quite forgetful of their painful hours


Your advent did slash one year of life instead

Faiz really composed this poem in a quirky way indeed