Team India’s incredible efforts have given them a spectacular win against the Proteas at Kanpur final test. The pitch curator Shiv Kumar has been exhibited as the real hero behind the win and our standby skipper Dhoni genuinely honoured him with cash reward in his personal capacity. The matter of concern is whether preparation of such pitches is advisable for playing International cricket Tests. If pitches are to be prepared with deliberate intention to suit our bowlers and players then it would have been a boomerang if our players have batted on day first of the test. Even on day second except Ganguly and Laxman no other player was able to muster courage to stay on the pitch. BCCI that claims to be the world’s richest cricket entity should take the authority of the preparation of the pitches and curators under their wings. This will not only help them out in providing the technical know-how in preparing the International level pitches in India but will also enhance the efficiency of the players to face the requirement of such challenging pitches at any corner of the world. Further the idea will also supplement the pitch curator economically, raising his morale high.
Majeed Mulla
Via E-mail