On Depiction of Prophet Muhammad

What purpose the Radiance wants to serve by publishing Linda Ilham Barto’s article “A Veil of Art” (29 Apr-5May 2007) wherein she writes – “Grand Ayatollah Sistani (Iraq) even allows depiction of Muhammad and other prophets (peace upon them) as long as the pictures are made with utmost respect….” To explain this ‘utmost respect’ she writes, “….The…

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June 16, 2022

What purpose the Radiance wants to serve by publishing Linda Ilham Barto’s article “A Veil of Art” (29 Apr-5May 2007) wherein she writes – “Grand Ayatollah Sistani (Iraq) even allows depiction of Muhammad and other prophets (peace upon them) as long as the pictures are made with utmost respect….” To explain this ‘utmost respect’ she writes, “….The purpose of such art should be illustration rather than mere adoration.”

This, in spite of her own presentation, “….Prophet Muhammad (Peace!) forbade images of people and animals because tradition of idolatry prevented the proper perspective of such art. According to some sunnahs, he would not allow decorative arts on cloth or furniture if the art included images of living creatures.” It is almost impossible to draw the line between ‘illustration’ and ‘mere adoration’ especially when the pictures are used for common man’s consumption.

I during my stay in Iraq , some 25 years ago, witnessed the art-pictures of Ali depicted by the Shiites on even kitchenware e.g. tea-serving trays. Tea cups were used to be placed on the tray, on this picture… no ‘adoration’ as such, and of course made with ‘utmost respect’!

And then what about the clear contradiction between Sistani’s fatwa and Prophet Muhammad’s saying cited above?

I feel, Linda Barto has simply failed to appreciate the sensitivity and delicacy pertaining to depiction of the Prophet’s image in the garb of “art”. The beautiful name of ‘art’ has been doing enormous damage and destruction to most of moral, cultural, and faith-related aspects of humanity, and the Radiance is expected to appreciate this well.

Mohammad Z.A. Mansoorie
New Delhi