On Seeking Leave

“The true believers are only those who have faith in Allah and His Messenger and who, whenever they are with him on some common errand, do not go away until they have asked leave of him. Verily, those who ask leave of you, it is they who truly believe in Allah and His Messenger. So,…

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“The true believers are only those who have faith in Allah and His Messenger and who, whenever they are with him on some common errand, do not go away until they have asked leave of him. Verily, those who ask leave of you, it is they who truly believe in Allah and His Messenger. So, if they ask your leave in connection with some of their affairs, give leave to those whom you will, and ask Allah for forgiveness on their behalf. Surely, Allah is Much-Forgiving, Ever Merciful.”

(Al-Qur’ān – 24:62)

This command is equally applicable to the Successors of Allah’s Messenger ﷺand to heads of the Muslim community. Whenever Muslims are summoned to a collective cause, whether at times of peace or war, they should not fail to respond to it and they should not disperse without the permission of the ruler.This ayah also warns the Muslims that seeking permission to withdraw from the Messenger’s company without any genuine reason is altogether unlawful. Only when someone has a genuine need should he seek permission to leave.

Whether someone should be exempt from taking part in collective duties after having asked for it was at the discretion of the Messenger, and after him, it continues to be at the discretion of the heads of the Muslim community. If it is believed that the larger interests will suffer by granting such permission, the leader is fully entitled to refuse such permission. In this case a sincere believer should accept the decision ungrudgingly.