Palestine Conflict is the Product of British Imperialism

MOHAMMAD SOHRAB, Assistant Professor, Academy of Third World Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, discusses the frameworks, responses of major world powers to and the role of Palestinian organisations in the Palestine conflict, in an exclusive interview with SAAD BIN ZIA.

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June 30, 2022

MOHAMMAD SOHRAB, Assistant Professor, Academy of Third World Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, discusses the frameworks, responses of major world powers to and the role of Palestinian organisations in the Palestine conflict, in an exclusive interview with SAAD BIN ZIA.

What is the origin of the Palestine conflict?

The origin of the Palestine conflict can be traced to two frameworks. One is the historical framework while the other is theological i.e. Judio-Christian Theological framework. If we look at this conflict in the historical framework, we find it is created purely by the British Imperialist power. After World War II the Jewish communities were convinced to emigrate en masse from Europe and settle down in Palestine by expelling the indigenous population of Palestinians from there by occupying their land, properties and their all sorts of possession, including the religious ones as well.

Its formal strategy was laid down in the form of Balfour Declaration of 1917. After that the British government appropriated a role for itself in allowing the emergence of a Jewish state in the Palestinian region by hook or crook without ever caring for the opposition to this project.

Another framework that must be taken into account is the coming together of Judio-Christian Theology. Actually just before the World War I and at the time of World War I a massive shift took place in the worldview. Jews and Christians from the conflictual interpretations of their respective theologies came together and converged on certain matters. By invoking their own sacred religions they decided to ensure the Jewish state or Zionist state according to Zionist vision in Palestine. Since then the Christians and Jews considered it their religious duty to ensure the Jewish state in the Arab land. According to their faiths their Messiah can only come in this world after the establishment of the Israeli state without which he is not supposed to reappear. So, whatever they are doing to support the Zionist state in Palestine they are not only doing it for the sake of their political objectives but also for the sake of their theological objectives as well. So in this regard they are doing some theological work by supporting the Zionist vision in Palestine.

How has the world especially the UN, US, UK, European Union and the Arab World responded to this conflict?

There is a major fundamental difference. The European world and the US came together and they extended their unqualified direct support to Israel since the beginning to the Zionism and the Zionist cause. To them it is nothing but an encroachment of the right of the indigenous people. This is nothing but the extension of Imperialism. This is the outpost of imperialist powers. However, during the last 30 years especially after the mid-1970s some change has taken place. First of all the major change came in the form of Camp David Accord (between Israel and Egypt). This Accord fundamentally transformed the political landscape of the region. The most powerful and the frontline state against the Zionism and Imperialism suddenly decided to transform itself from a frontline state to juggler’s vein for the United States. This transformation or the development has greatly affected the Palestinian cause in the Arab views. But mind you the Arab view is also not monolithic. After the establishment of Israel many of the Arab states have either established full fledged diplomatic relationships by according recognition to Israel or are normalising their relationship.

There are a few states in the Arab world and the most prominent among them is Saudi Arabia that have so far categorically refused to have any sort of relationship with Israel until and unless the Palestinians get their full rights of having their own state. However, the stands of other Arab countries have diluted but because of the people’s pressure, the elites have also started gradually lowering down their relationship with Israel. Now, at this current phase the people’s pressure is far more assertive in nature, is far more powerful in nature and is far more fearful in nature than the most of the regimes of the Arab world. As far as the European Union and the US are concerned, there is no dilution in theirs stands. Whatever may be the differences, if any, they are purely artificial in nature and are on the periphery. At the core they are one and the same. Time and again they have asserted their positions and have extended their unqualified support to the Zionist state of Israel without considering the Palestinian rights in the similar way. These are some of the major basic differences in the responses of the various regions of the world to the Palestinian conflict.

Gandhiji also supported the Palestinian struggle. What was/were the essential reason(s) behind that?

Gandhiji’s support to the Palestinian struggle basically can be taken into account by considering two vital arguments or considerations. One is that India itself, at that point of time, was one of the victims of imperialism. Another is that India is a land of civilisations. It is not an artificially created state. The Indian people have some vision related to their values, ethics, culture and history, etc. This also influenced Gandhiji’s views but to my understanding primarily at that time the Congress’ and especially Gandhiji’s intention was to deny the Muslims – either through the Muslim League or independent Muslims – any autonomous initiative – either in the realms of domestic politics or in the realms of world politics. Because of these considerations Gandhiji took a very firm ethical consideration of the Palestinian question but the objective was not purely Islamic. The most powerful objective was to instil a sense in the Muslim community that they are not alone in the case of the plight of Palestinian people. The Indian nation and the Indian people are very much concerned but at the same time through this strategy he also intended to deny the Muslims to take any kind of independent position on the Palestinian cause. This strategy was greatly successful but it had many hidden as well as open agendas.

What is the role of different Palestinian organisations such as the PLO, Fateh and the Hamas, etc?

Of course all these organisations are fighting for the Palestinian cause. There is no doubt in it. But there are serious ideological differences among them. Recent events bear testimony to this. Some of them are also guided by their own vested interests. This tendency is definitely harming their interests and benefiting the Israelis. As far as the Hamas and the Fateh are concerned, I think Hamas’ commitment to the (Palestinian) cause is having more appeal and more legitimacy among the Palestinian people than the Fateh.

Actually, Fateh is in office not because of the popular support but because of the external support from some of the Arab and European countries. Hamas is doing its business not because of the external support but purely because of the popular support. So, this is the major difference.

Another difference is in terms of ideology. Hamas has so far refused to work for the Israelis. In fact, Hamas has categorically refused to become ‘Junior Partner’ for the American and the British vision for the Middle East or West Asia. Time and again especially after (Yasser) Arafat some of the Fateh members/activists have extended their help to Israel just for getting some kind of petty material and political gains from their natural adversaries. These are some of the differences on the ethical grounds as well as the grounds of convictions and commitment to the cause. I believe that Hamas is more forthright and more honest than Fateh.

Why does Israel dominate even the US?

One is the religious factor, the other is economic. And the most important one is that there is a common consensus among the Europe and the US to ensure the survival of Israel – either by hook or crook. Not only the survival but also to ensure Israel’s viability in the region. Of course the Jewish cause has become the concern for the US. American-Jewish commitment for Israel is not solely the Jewish commitment. It is the commitment of the American people and the American state. Actually, the American state is representing the American Jews. Economically the Jews are the most powerful community in the world. This is also one of the aspects which are providing some kind of leverage for them to not only muster but also negotiate their support.

Another major factor is that soon after the World War I there emerged a common consensus in the Western Capitals that the Arabs should not be allowed to enjoy any sort of autonomous status in the international World Order, in the International Committee of Nations. So, they must be subjugated in their own regions, their sovereignty must be violated, they must be denigrated to some inferior level. The US and Europe must have some kind of control over the resources of the Arab World. So, these are some of the mundane considerations.

Also, some strategic objectives are there. Because of all of these factors the Jewish community – wherever they are – either in the US, Israel or any part of the world – are getting much support. One of the most important facts that unfortunately goes unnoticed and unreported in the media is that a large number of American Jews and a majority of Israeli Jews are enjoying dual citizenships of the US as well as Israel. They are holding double passports of the USA as well as Israel simultaneously. So in this regard because of the dual provisions that US and some of the European nations have granted to Jews we can say with firm conviction that the US is not the ‘outsider’. It is not a ‘silent spectator’ but very much active player in the drama that is unfolding in Palestine against the Palestinian people.