Britain’s top Palestinian charity has been cleared for the third time of any alleged links with so-called terrorist organisations.

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June 30, 2022

Britain’s top Palestinian charity has been cleared for the third time of any alleged links with so-called terrorist organisations. In a 52-page report the Charity Commission dismissed allegations made over two-and-a-half years ago by the BBC’s Panorama documentary series claiming that Interpal funded partner organisation that promoted terrorist ideology. It concluded there was “not enough evidence to support the allegations.”  Interpal responded to the findings saying that it had been “vindicated” for the third time in the past 13 years. Previous inquiries in 1996 and 2003 also found insufficient evidence to support allegations that have been blamed on the Zionist lobby. The latest investigation, which took more than two years, found that Interpal kept clear financial audit trails in its delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and in its dealings with its partner organisations.