Palestinian Struggle: The Great Unveiler

There no longer remains any doubt in the fact that the Palestinian struggle for independence has developed into a ‘Furqan’ for our era. The way in which it has unmasked this deceptive world’svociferous claimants of culture and civilisation, remains, at least in recent history, absolutely unprecedented.

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– Syed Sadatullah Hussaini (Translated by Dr. Parvez Mandviwala)

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God Almighty has promised the Believers that He would grant them a Furqan (criterion or standard to judge between right and wrong). In the 29th ayah of Surah al-Anfal, Allah says:

یاَیُّهَاالَّذِیْنَاٰمَنُوْۤااِنْتَتَّقُوااللّٰهَیَجْعَلْلَّكُمْفُرْقَانًاوَّیُكَفِّرْعَنْكُمْسَیِّاٰتِكُمْوَیَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ١ؕ وَاللّٰهُذُوالْفَضْلِالْعَظِیْمِ

O you who have believed, if you fear Allah, He would provide for you a Furqan and will remove from you your misdeeds and forgive you, for Allah is the possessor of great bounty.

An exegete of the Qur’an has offered quite an inspiring and insightful interpretation of the word, ‘Furqan’. He writes:

“Furqan is a criterion or standard. The function of a standard is to lay bare the impurities from the purities… The joint decisions of the Believers, their conflict with forces of evil and their fight against corrupt elements – they all become Furqan per se. Their very existence becomes a Furqan for other nations. Their legacy becomes a Furqan for history. Their wars serve as a Furqan to distinguish between right and wrong. History always obtains references from their existence and their achievements. This blessed ayahsays that if you inculcate the quality of taqwa within you, God would cause a light to illuminate your hearts which would act as a criterion; and your existence would serve as a precedent for other nations, and your deeds would serve as beacons of light to judge between right and wrong.”

There no longer remains any doubt in the fact that the Palestinian struggle for independence has developed into a ‘Furqan’ for our era. The way in which it has unmasked this deceptive world’svociferous claimants of culture and civilisation, remains, at least in recent history, absolutely unprecedented.

It is this very Palestinian resistance which has disrobed modern Western Authorities of their attractive and ornate masks of human rights, liberty, equality and democracy. It haslaid bare before the world the racist, tyrant and viciousbeastwhich has been tearing apart this earth with its bloodthirsty claws ever since the 16th century through the 20th century, enslaving and selling away millions of human beings and indiscriminately looting its resources. The Palestinian resistance has made it clear to the world that modern western authorities are nothing but demons devoid of all morality andsound civilisational foundations! This underlying demon, that had long been obscured by the loud claims of liberty and democracy, has now finally been exposed to the world by the Palestinian resistance. Everyone can now see for themselves that these authorities continue to treat Asian and African people astheir subjects and slaves. They consider themselves entitled to their lands and resources, to be used and exploited at will.

Years ago, Maulana Ali Miyan Nadvi had cautioned us thus:

“This world has turned into a hunting ground. The hunters arrive with their weapons and keep hunting nations, one after another. They keep razing nations to the ground. Today’s superpowers regard Eastern countries as mines of raw material and sources of petrol; and if there erupts a war, they can use the inhabitants of those countries as footsoldiers to fight off their enemies, as if they are the fuel of their kitchens and nothing more…. They have begun to assume that the fate of those nations lies in their hands. They have been treating human beings like animals, nay, like lifeless objects, and there is no power in the world today that can put an end to this. Everyone has lost their power and essence. Everyone has forgotten their message. Everyone has abandoned their character. Everyone has fled the battlefield.”

This is the disastrous situation amid which the Palestinians have risen in the ‘battlefield’ with their ‘essence’ and ‘character’. They are not only refusing to become the ‘fuel’ of these demons, but are also blocking their schemes to turn other Third World countries into their fuel. They are not only the ‘Great Furqan’, but also the ‘Great Barrier’, for they are protecting the entire world from the devastating deluge of the evil of western authorities by acting as the ‘Barrier of Zul’Qarnain’. Had they not existed, it was quite possible that the tyrannical capitalism of the 21stcentury would have started a new wave of colonialism in the Third World. They are the benefactors of the entire Third World. They are the saviours of all the weaker nations of this world. Rather, the entire humanity is indebted to them.

In the following pages, we shall discuss those major schemes which have been exposed thanks to the Great Furqan of our era, the Palestinian resistance, and how this resistance is standing tall as a Great Barrier in the way of their nefarious plans.

Zionism: The Worst Racism of Our Times

Western authorities claim to be the champions of human equality; and that putting an end to racism all over the world is their primary goal. They keep accusing various countries and societies of fostering racism. In the year 1966, the United Nations Organisation ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Since then, these authorities, under their self-attested assumption of moral superiority, have been using this Convention against several Third World countries. However, the Palestinian resistance has exposed to the world the truth that the biggest racist group on the face of the earth is that of the Zionists and their allies.

Racism lies at the very foundations of Israel’s existence, and serves as the most important pillar of its edifice. Right now, it happens to be the only country in the world whose constitution (Basic Law) officially recognises ‘race’ as the basis for citizenship. Israel’s infamous ‘Law of Return’ is a part of the set of ‘Basic Laws’ which enjoy the status of its constitution. Accordingly, it is the only country that makes laws on the basis of race. Israel discriminates among its citizens on the basis of their race, and it has raised walls of apartheid all over the country on this very racial basis. We shall discuss more about that as we proceed….

This racism is not only limited to the Jewish race or merely prejudiced in favour of the alleged Children of Israel. Western history is that of white supremacy, and the fact remains that Israel’s existence and its support is an extension of the same white supremacy. Accordingly, it is openly claimed that although Israel geographically is situated in Asia, ‘culturally’ (actually, racially) it is a part of Europe. Rather, it is on this basis that it lays claim to membership of the European Union, and its claim is being considered in all earnest. It already is a member of several European organisations.

What people don’t know is that the people Israel terms as ‘Children of Israel’, and the people it is granting citizenship from all over the world and making them settle down in Palestine, happen to be the people of various colours and races.

  1. About 32% are white Ashkenazis with blue eyes and golden hair, and they are of European racial descent. The vast majority of American Jews belong to this group, and they comprise 75% of all the Jews all over the world.
  2. About 45% are Mizrahi. These are those Jews who were either already residing in Palestine, or who used to reside in the Middle East and Northern Africa and had migrated to Palestine when the establishment of the Zionist state was announced. Their skin colour and racial characteristics resemble those of other Arab citizens.
  3. Beta Israelis are black people of African descent. They comprise 3% of Israeli Jews.
  4. Bene Israel or Shanivar Teli are those Jews who have settled down over there from various parts of India (especially, Maharashtra and Northeast India).

Those who have a keen eye on Israeli politics know that the actual goal of all of Israel’s plots and schemes is to safeguard the interests of white Ashkenazis. It is for the sake of those co-racial whites that thewestern authorities of European and American countries are ever bent upon compromising with their cherished values. It is for the protection of one man of this white Caucasian race that sacrificing hundreds of Arabs, or rather entire Arab communities, does not look like a bad bargain to them. Even when it comes to fighting for the Israeli cause in dangerous battles, it is the Mizrahis, Beta Israelis and Shanivar Telis who are placed at the frontlines. Similar to the caste system prevalent in our country, marrying these ‘lower caste Jews’ is frowned upon. We have also seen reports of them being seated separately in schools. They are often the victims of riots. Indian Jews have especially been at the receiving end of their communal riots.

Zionist leaders have, on various occasions, publicly acknowledged this racism that exists within Israeli Jews. It has been the practice of western leaders to deceive the public by apologising for their past mistakes at regular intervals. Following this very policy, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has ‘apologised’ to ‘Eastern Jews’ for the prevailing racism against them. Former Israeli President Reuven Rivlin is regarded as an extremist intellectual leader belonging to the Likud Party. But when he was President (2014-21), even he acknowledged that racism is prevalent in Israel as he said, “Israeli society is sick, and it is our duty to treat this disease”.

Western authorities had sentenced Germany’s Nazi political and military leaders to exceptional punishments citing their racism. To date, they present Nazism as an epitome of evil. Not long ago, even if half-heartedly, they had been opposing South Africa’s racist policies (though they have also been creating hurdles in implementing the steps taken against South Africa by the United Nations Organisation and other international organisations, and hence been guilty of supporting its apartheid policies). But now, in Israel’s case, they have dropped the proverbial fig leaf too – they lay absolutely bare and exposed. They are openly supporting Israel!

[The writer is National President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind and Editor-in-Chief of Urdu Monthly journal Zindgi-e-Nau. This article was first published in Urdu in Zindgi-e-Nau. Read full article in English on]