Pen is Mightier than Sword!

My grandma used to refer to the instance when Queen Victoria held a copy of the Qur’ān up in her hand in the British parliament and told the audience: you cannot do anything to Islam and Muslims as long as they have this (book) with them (hold onto the Qur’ān)!

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My grandma used to refer to the instance when Queen Victoria held a copy of the Qur’ān up in her hand in the British parliament and told the audience: you cannot do anything to Islam and Muslims as long as they have this (book) with them (hold onto the Qur’ān)!

As Allah Himself says, “We reveal this admonition and we are its guardians”, we know even today that acts like destroying or burning of copies of the Qur’ān by fanatics and hatemongers like Terry Jones of America, are never going to deter any of its staunch followers from their deriving divine inspiration to struggle in the way of righteousness.

We are also aware of incidents like burning of extensive Islamic literature and records in huge libraries together into ashes in Baghdad and the horrible ethnic cleansing of the almost 100% Muslim population of Spain. These satanic campaigns continue at the hands of the unrelenting west. Even in India we find today hatemongers like Subramanian Swamy, who dream of converting mythology into history and vice versa by killing innocents or burning books of history that go against their narrow-minded philosophies, while all sensible people agree that truth will ultimately prevail however disagreeable it may be to the unbelievers.

We have seen in the recent past lies of WMDs and Islamic terrorism hatched by imposters, who are at the helm of affairs in America and Europe and who are mere puppets of Zionists, as pretext to attack Iraq.

While the Qur’ān repeatedly emphasises oneness of God, unity of religion and unity of mankind, the word goes round that the Qur’ān instigates hatred against Jews!

At several places, the Qur’an mentions that children of Israel i.e. Jews, were chosen above all others and honoured exclusively, of course, till they incurred the wrath of Allah by resorting to repeated transgressions, disobedience and thanklessness like worshipping the calf against strict monotheism as preached by Moses, who was their own mentor and saviour from the clutches of Pharaoh and modifying the teachings of the Torah to support totally wrong beliefs against its original to introduce Prophet Uzair as son of Allah just as Christians consider Jesus Christ as only begotten son of God.

Both Jesus and Moses are held in high and equal esteem as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to them) by all Muslims, at the instructions of the Qur’ān not to differentiate between any messengers of Allah! General public is aware of Charlie Hebdo cartoons as well as The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare (where the character of Shylock demeans Jews), to quote only a few examples of intolerance of west while preaching and talking about pluralism, human rights and democracy in other countries, especially Muslim countries.

Now we hear about terrorist organisations like Al Qaida and ISIS, which are in reality the making of Zionists and their puppets all over the world and are serving as a very effective tool to spread hatred and fear against Islam and Muslims.

The killing of innocents without any rhyme or reason, abetted and staged by the west in the name of Al Qaida and ISIS, is depicted as the handiwork of Jihadis or Islamists to raise hue and cry and to use it as an effective tool to defame the only true religion of peaceful submission to one Lord of one humanity, namely Islam. While with mala-fide intentions and conspiracies, the Muslim citizens like the Palestinians are referred to as rebels and terrorists in all contexts by the Zionist media. If these organisations are indeed working at the instance and in the interest of Muslims, why don’t they attack Israelis in the very vicinity of their operations?

Criminal acts like holding hostages, hijackings, suicide bombings were never supported by any Islamic thinking, preaching or practice anytime anywhere.

It is wide open for the citizens of the world with common sense to see the depth of satanic conspiracies of the enemies of human welfare, in spreading wars, rumour mongering and spreading Islamophobia at all costs.

We are aware of the huge, totally uncalled for, defence (or should we call offence?) budgets of almost all countries in the world to the exclusive benefit of warmongers and arms dealers spread mostly in the west.

We also hear about economic crunch and slowing down of growth rate, when we talk of food, clothing, and shelter for, and welfare of, the less privileged.

Unfortunately, the Zionist media financed by billionaires and crony capitalists spread over the globe never highlight the real problems of the majority.

The self-styled leaders and so-called heads of governments in today’s polity seem to have only heads and no brains while always concentrating on the economic issues and material pursuits of humanity, completely ignoring the fact that man is a social being and society is not built merely with the abundance of goods but by ethics, forming backbone of human society.

Most of the widespread diseases today are caused by hunger due to abundance of wealth and uncalled for luxuries enjoyed by a few and absence of spiritual healing required regularly for the survival of healthy humans. Even when we complain about stress and hypertension, most of us think of ‘duplicate form of Yoga’, which is mere physical exercise rarely combined with meditation.

Even a cursory glance at salaat (prayers) and saum (fasting) suggests their blessings in preventing and correcting diseases like high B.P. and diabetes, which have become very common everywhere.

There is an urgent need for all educated and knowledgeable persons, especially Muslims, to spread the importance of regular salaat and saum as tools of salvation here and in the hereafter.

The knowledgeable people in the area of Islamic Shari’ah should highlight the healing touch of golden balance between spirit and matter in true Islam.

As ‘witnesses to mankind’, they should realise the responsibility of conveying Islam by all means including the noble way of written communication, and its importance in all walks of life as a truly effective, universal and integrated way of life and welfare for everyone. Truly, pen is mightier than the sword.