In a shocking incident, the police allegedly thrashed a madrasa teacher Hafiz Kamaluddin to death at Prem Nagar in Sultanpuri area in the Capital on April 25. The people of the area naturally got angered and staged a violent protest against the police atrocity. The irate mob set afire the Prem Nagar police station as…

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June 16, 2022

In a shocking incident, the police allegedly thrashed a madrasa teacher Hafiz Kamaluddin to death at Prem Nagar in Sultanpuri area in the Capital on April 25. The people of the area naturally got angered and staged a violent protest against the police atrocity. The irate mob set afire the Prem Nagar police station as well as six vehicles parked outside it. They also pelted stones on the police personnel. To disperse them, the police lathicharged them and detained 13 protestors.

The police are trying to cover up the issue and play innocent but in vain. They have cooked up a story that the deceased was a mentally deranged person and his death was caused by public beating.

Police officials of West District particularly DCP Manish Agrawal said they were informed at 3.55 a.m. that two persons (Kamaluddin and a rickshaw puller Rajinder) were indulged in fierce fighting, following which locals beat Kamaluddin black and blue. Kamaluddin was later rushed to Sanjay Gandhi Hospital where he was declared brought dead.

But the public contradicts the police story. People say that Kamaluddin was a noble and respectable person, who used to teach in the madrasa running in Noorani Masjid here. They refuse to accept that he was a mentally deranged person.

The victim’s wife Mubarak Begum also said the mental condition of her husband was quite sound. “When I heard some noise outside the house, I came out of the house to see that the police were dragging Kamaluddin with a rope. I started crying and appealing to the police personnel for his life but the police turned a deaf ear. Kamaluddin was demanding water to drink and in return he was given abuses,” narrates Mubarak.

The situation continues to be tense and three battalions of CRPF have been deployed in the area to bring the situation back to normalcy.