Fourteen centuries and a half ago not only Arabia but the whole world was deeply engulfed in darkness and ignorance. A lot of shameful and inhumane customs and deteriorated moral conditions i.e. human sacrifices on the altar of deities, burning of women alive, untouchability, caste system, idolatry, adultery, obscenity, cruelty and slavery, were the order of the day. Muhammad (may Allah bless and greet him) as the Final Messenger of God, stood up and provided grace and glorification for the humanity. He showed man the path of truth, righteousness and peace. He established such high, ethical and moral standards even in the condition of wars that neither before him nor the present so-called civilized and cultured societies can equal even in peace.
History is the proof that he was forced to have fights against invaders and mischief-mongers. There mere 13 occasions of warship and hardly 1800 persons were killed on both sides. It was strictly prohibited to kill old men, women, children and pious persons. Trees were not allowed to cut, burn or uprooted. Only warriors could be killed while fighting. In the Battle of Badr captives were brought with their hands tied. They were untied under the express command of Muhammad (may Allah bless and greet him).
He asked his Companions to do good for the sake of solicitude with the captives. So they behaved in such exemplary gentleness that Abu Aziz Bin Amir, a captive, described that the persons in-charge of looking after them in captivity gave nice food two times a day. He said even every passer-by gave him to eat what the former had in the hand. Muhammad (may Allah bless and greet him) assigned the captives lofty position of teachers, asking them to teach 10 Muslims each as ransom and be liberated.
The Zionists, who claim to be the followers of Prophet Moses (peace be to him), who struggled against despot Pharaoh of Egypt and librated the suppressed people of Israelites, are tyrant oppressors against unarmed innocent children, women, old men. Inhabitations, schools, hospitals and even mosques have been attacked and bulldozed. Supply of food and water is being hampered and humans are bound to die lacking nourishment and medicines. First, they grabbed the Palestinians’ land fraudulently and by force with the help of British imperialists. Now for the formation of greater Israel they have been massacring and cleansing the Muslim population of Palestine.
Ibne Jubair, a Spanish traveller of the 6th century Hijri, while King Richard and Salahuddin Ayyubi were fighting crusades, travelled Damascus and Palestine. He describes that Christian traders faced no obstruction in Muslim areas. Warriors were busy in fighting but subjects were in total peace and protection. There was not effect of war upon population and traders while Salahuddin was fighting at Fort of Kirk near Bait al-Maqdis in Palestine. Historians write that Salahuddin gave his horse to King Richard when the king’s was dead. It is further mentioned that such nice comfort and convenience was provided by Salahuddin to Christians and Jews that there was no example in history. Salahuddin paid ransom of Christians out of his own pocket. English historians mention his name with respect and ascribe him the title of “Noble Foe”.
In contrast, the most pitiable and contemptuous is the conduct of those nations that are lending support to Israel in its inhuman killings. Instead of supporting the Palestinians in their struggle for the right of freedom, they are blaming Palestinians for safeguarding population of children, women and old men who are non-combatant. Though in the international law targeting civilian population is unlawful yet Israeli and American Zionists are headless in religious insanity and the UNO is declaring no sanction against Israel. One thing is clear, in these precarious circumstances peace cannot be restored in the region unless the Palestinians are given their lands back and the right to return their country.