Punish Israeli Leaders for Piracy and Murder of Aid Workers

Punish Israeli Leaders for Piracy and Murder of Aid Workers

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August 12, 2022

Free Gaza Coalition strongly has condemned the Israeli government for its piracy of the Freedom Flotilla and the cold-blooded murder of 9 civilians carrying humanitarian aid to the starving people of Gaza. More than 30 people were also injured in the bloody attack by Israeli commandos.

In a statement on June 10, Free Gaza Coalition said inter alia: “We strongly deplore the United States Government for supporting Israel’s piracy of the boats carrying humanitarian aid, and obstructing the United Nations Security Council from taking effective action against Israel for its heinous crimes against the civilians in the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara. U.S Vice President Joe Biden defended Israel’s blockade of Gaza and blamed Hamas for the crisis.

“We salute the courage, sacrifice and dedication shown by the humanitarian workers in trying to bring aid to the people in Gaza facing deprivation and untold hardship. They are the shining stars in this dark world of deceit, cruelty, hypocrisy, double-standard and injustice.

“We express our deepest condolences to the families of those who were murdered on their journey to help the wretched of this earth. Their death is not in vain. It will inspire millions to stand up and resist U.S imperialism and Zionism even with their lives.

“By protecting Israel from being made accountable for its criminal acts and violation of human rights, the United States and some European Union member states are encouraging Israel to treat with contempt international law and United Nations Security Council, and General Assembly, resolutions. Hence, the oppression of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation and the violence continue.

“For over four years, Israel has subjected the civilian population of Gaza to an increasingly severe blockade, resulting in a man-made humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions.

“According to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: ‘Palestinians in Gaza are being actually ‘starved to death,’ receiving fewer calories per day than people in the poorest parts of Africa. This is an atrocity that is being perpetrated as punishment on the people in Gaza. It is a crime… an abomination that this is allowed to go on. Tragically, the international community at large ignores the cries for help, while the citizens of Gaza are treated more like animals than human beings.’

“Amnesty International’s Annual Human Rights Report, released last month, stated that Israeli’s siege on Gaza has deepened the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages left four out of five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose showed that it was being imposed as a form of collective punishment of Gazans, a flagrant violation of international law.

“Earlier this month, John Ging, the Director of Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza, called upon the international community to break the siege on the Gaza Strip by sending ships loaded with humanitarian aid.

“The Freedom Flotilla was global civil society’s answer to the indifference of the so-called international community to the plight and sufferings of the Palestinians in Gaza. There were around 600 human rights workers from 32 countries in the boats, carrying 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid ranging from medicines, building material to educational equipment.

“The commando attack on the unarmed boats in international waters was a cowardly act of barbarism which would shock the conscience of any civilized person, but not the morally bankrupt U.S-Israeli leaders.  Israel has defended the murder of the humanitarian workers as an act of self-defence by its commandos, which is a blatant lie as anyone watching Al Jazeera or any other independent media would know. Lies and deceit are the trade mark of the Zionists ever since they launched their project for the colonisation of Palestine in the late 18th century.

“Israel’s culture of impunity must be ended and made accountable for its violations of international law and human rights. With over 200 nuclear weapons in its arsenal and a history of aggression against its neighbours, Israel poses the greatest threat to peace and stability, not only in the region but the world.

“To end Israel’s rogue behaviour needs a radical change in U.S policy of subservience to the Zionist lobby. And such change is possible if the subservience of most Arab and Muslim governments to and their fear of, the U.S is ended. Civil society organisations must understand this reality and work for change.

“We welcome the recent statement by the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Israeli government officials responsible for the fatal assault on the aid convoy must be absolutely punished by all means. He said that the attack is on international law, the conscience of humanity and world peace, and that condemnations are not enough without results.

“He promised that Turkey will not turn its back on Palestine, Palestinians and Gaza, even if nobody backs them. He repeated his call on Israel to immediately end its inhumane blockade of Gaza. We urge other Muslim and Arab leaders to emulate Prime Minister Erdogan and show equal commitment to the Palestinian cause.”

The organisation called on the United Nations to:

 Take urgent action to end the Israeli blockade of Gaza and allow free flow of humanitarian assistance.

 Refer the Israeli commando attack on the Gaza Friendship Flotilla, its capture, and loss of civilian lives to the International Criminal Court for investigation, prosecution and punishment of those responsible.

 Recover from Israel full compensation for the loss suffered by the families of the deceased, the wounded, NGOs and shipping companies.

 Pressure Israel to release the boats in good condition immediately.

It appealed to the Malaysian Government to:

 Initiate action in the United Nations together with Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, Bolivia and other countries to ensure that the above demands are met and not nullified by the manipulation of the U.S and some European states.

 To call an urgent meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Conference to express support for the action taken by Turkey and to formulate a long-term strategy to end Israel’s culture of impunity.

 Support the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign launched by Palestinian civil society organisations.

 To take rigorous action to stop the entry of Israeli goods through Singapore and other countries.

 To support Free Gaza to send more humanitarian aid ships to Gaza and break the blockade.

The organisation also called on Muslims to boycott goods and services of companies that are strong supporters of Israel.