The Chief Minister of UP honoured the widows of police personnel on the Police Martyrs Day. It is a laudable gesture of Mayawati. The appalling aspect of this event is that all the widows are still young and they cannot remarry! If they want to marry once again, they have to forgo their pension. The best honour to them is to allow them to remarry the youths of their choice without losing their pension. The new husbands will look after them and provide them safety and security. With this permission most of the young widows of army men and policemen will opt for remarriages.
The Chief Minister of UP being a lady can better understand the feelings of young widows. UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and National Commission for Women chairperson Grija Vyas may also do a great service to womenfolk by getting the existing law on widow remarriage repealed to facilitate the widows to get married and lead a dignified life.
Kausar Fatima