Remembrance of Allah

Abu Musa relates that the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) said, “One who remembers Allah and one who does not, are respectively like the living and the dead.

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Abu Musa relates that the Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) said, “One who remembers Allah and one who does not, are respectively like the living and the dead.”

(Bukhari, Muslim)

Allah alone is the source of all life. This is why real life lies in the remembrance of Allah the Exalted. And, one who forgets Him has no life in the real sense of the term. How can one find life after ignoring Him? The Qur’ān manifests the truth that dead hearts are revived and enlightened by firm belief in Allah and steadfastness in His Path. In the verse 7:69 the Qur’ān enjoins the believers: Remember then the wondrous bounties of Allah, that you may prosper.

In another hadith reported by Sumra bin JundabinSahihMuslim, the Blessed Messenger said, “These four words are most excellent: Subhan Allah, walHamd-u-Lillah, wa la IlahaIllallahu, Wallah-u-Akbar.”Subhan Allah is the hymn and expresses God’s being free from any slur, smear, stain or uncleanness which man is bound to suffer from with difference in extent from one man to another. Al Hamd-u-Lillahis the praise of God, for only He deserves ultimate praise. La IlahaIllallahasserts the Oneness of God Who is free from any shade of partnership. And Allah-u-Akbarexpresses God’s greatness and power.

In yet another tradition reported by AbūHurairah, the Blessed Messenger said two words are easy to pronounce but weighty in the scale of records and are very dear to God; they are Subhan Allah-i waBihamdihi, Subhan Allah-il-Azeem.