Repeal Neo-Liberal Policies

Repeal Neo-Liberal Policies

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August 8, 2022

The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s assurance at the conference of Chief Ministers that ‘food prices will soon be stabilized with good crop prospects’ has few takers. The soaring prices of essential commodities are mainly due to the future trading of food articles in the stock market. Thanks to globalisation, Indian agriculture is pathetically neglected by the government for over 15 years – with lending of farm loans by nationalised banks coming to a grinding halt and the offer of reasonable Market Support Price to farmers becoming a thing of the past.  Added to this, the Public Distribution System is allowed to die its own death in the name of ‘targeting’ the actual BPL families. The removal of trade barriers and QRs (quantitative restrictions) on over 1500 food articles has paved the way for dumping of foreign agriculture produce on Indian soil pushing our farmers to an unequal competition. The economist Prime Minister would do well by repealing the neo-liberal policies in agriculture sector, which have caused more harm than any good.

Syed Sultan Mohiddin

Kadapa, A.P.