Respectful Farewell to Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari

Muslims of India generally and the dedicated members and workers of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind all over India, in Delhi and every nook and corner of the country, and countless people all over the world who were benefited from the soulful and soul-stirring writings and speeches of the Maulana mourn his death and bid him adieu with…

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December 28, 2022

Muslims of India generally and the dedicated members and workers of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind all over India, in Delhi and every nook and corner of the country, and countless people all over the world who were benefited from the soulful and soul-stirring writings and speeches of the Maulana mourn his death and bid him adieu with tearful eyes and loving hearts. Countless others who have been benefited from his scholarly works, research papers and soulful speeches which he delivered in India and outside India, joined us in this hour of deep sorrow.

He was a thinker, great scholar, sincere leader and motivator of Islamic movement whose loss would be felt for a long time. He served the Jamaat in various capacities as a writer, muraabbi and as Deputy Ameer and Ameer-e-Jamaat. He completed his worldly mission on 26th August 2022, completing his 87 years sojourn on earth.

After completing his studies, he joined the research department of JIH and never looked back and dedicated his entire life to the cause of Islam. Under his guidance hundreds of research scholars were trained in Idara-e-Tahqeeq-o-Tasneef Aligarh who are serving in India and foreign lands.

When the Jamaat required his services to lead the Jamaat, he was appointed Deputy Ameer of Jamaat and finally elected Ameer-e-Jamaat for three consecutive terms (2007 to 2019). After that he was appointed Chairman of Shariah Council of the Jamaat. He also served as member of the International Welfare Organisation.

Throughout his life he was engaged in research and writing of books on varied topics. He has about four dozen high standard books to his credit. His departure has saddened a wide spectrum of Ummah and with tearful eyes we have bidden farewell to him. But, in Sha Allah, the present and coming generations would continue to be benefited from his books which deal with varied subjects with bearing on life. His legacy would be an ever fresh and abiding source of inspiration and guidance for various sections of the Ummah and the humanity at large. He deep relation with, his lifelong dedication and devotion to the Islamic cause, his captivating love for his followers, his humbleness will always be guiding us on the path of life and spreading light on our path.

May Allah bless him with His everlasting mercy and blessings and grant him an elevated place under His benign mercy and benevolence.