Return of the East India Company

DR. FATIMA SHAHNAZ exposes how the multinational corporations and their sponsoring western states are enslaving developing countries like India and using their lackeys to foment trouble and criminalise polity.

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June 16, 2022

DR. FATIMA SHAHNAZ exposes how the multinational corporations and their sponsoring western states are enslaving developing countries like India and using their lackeys to foment trouble and criminalise polity.

The escalation in state-sponsored violence against civil society, the corruption of law enforcement agencies, the rot within political Parties and the rise of extremist Hindutva forces targeting minorities in Gujarat and other states indicates a systemic crisis that is hardening into institutionalized violence across the country. The spate of state-terrorism from Nandigram and Singur, with the violent displacement of local inhabitants, to lathi-charges and police on the rampage against civilians (not sparing women and children) to the heinous ‘fake encounters’ in which two Muslims were named recently among the thousands of ‘disappeared’ in Kashmir and elsewhere is cause for alarm at the systemic crisis we are facing.
While politicians are nabbed at Indian airports running international sex rackets, the case of Sohrabuddin and his wife, Kauserbi and an eyewitness murdered in 2005 all underline the spiralling descent into a police-state run amok. But the graphic violence is vertical as well as horizontal, across the board of victims targeted for ‘elimination.’ Majority religion, manipulated by a ‘criminal fringe’ to perpetrate state-terrorism, targeting the Muslim minority in Gujarat and elsewhere, is equally self-destructive through casteism. Dalits, tribals (besides Christians and Muslims) are subjected to routine ‘ethnic cleansing’ pogroms, often accompanied by state apathy or cover-ups that expose the blatant collaboration and collusion of officialdom in the crimes against humanity and human rights abuses that have now become a routine feature of Indian governance.

While the extraneous elements of violence are graphically depicted, the manipulators and motivations remain invisible. Unless and until these insidious forces, which are like the proverbial Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing are exposed, the violence by the state against its own citizenry will continue unabated.
When the judiciary and legislative branches, or the free press – the ‘Fourth Estate’ – are placed under a gag-rule or are co-opted into political partisanship, a systemic collapse is inevitable. The philosopher Hannah Arendt (a Nazi sympathiser) wrote: “Politics is not like the nursery.” Indeed, from the current degeneration of global political systems, the ‘kindergarten’ seems more like the descent into a Nazi fascist laboratory of death in which human beings have been dehumanized into expendable statistics by the depopulation lobbies, who pre-scripted the global holocaust.

To understand the real forces manipulating the global escalation of violence it is crucial to first identify who is running the world, albeit behind the scenes. At the outset, when U.S. President George W. Bush and his neo-conservative administration launched a ‘global war against terrorism,’ the threats to the security of nations, to the stability of the nation-state itself, was implicit. Bush’s war against terrorism has become a pretext for the establishment of a supra-national police-state, administrated by economic ‘hit men’ working for those ‘corporate’ forces that are, in fact, a revival of the old East India Company’s imperial racists. Starting with the Iraq stew and throughout the world, including the European Union, governments have become handmaidens and lackeys, the ‘puppet governments’ of the ‘corporate’ overlords.
The imperial ombudsmen now come in their new Halloween costumes as ‘globalization,’ but behind this is the vast Leviathon network with its profiteering tentacles reaching into the resources of nation-states, threatening to topple governments, tainting the integrity of future generations of leaders coerced and blackmailed into subscribing to their policies.

The second sinister strategy of the neo-cons was its anti-Islamic propaganda machinery, with the global media as its tool to spew out hate-crimes targeting Muslims everywhere, and the Muslim religion specifically. This served as another pretext for the global war against terrorism, to divert societies from the real motivations of the profiteers and mass-murderers, the killers exterminating entire populations in their ‘globalisation’ schemes. But it is not only Muslims who are targeted: The displaced populations of Nandigram, Singur, Narmada, or the suicidal farmers in Maharashtra, Andhra and other areas, all fall into the mass-murders of the globalists determined to ‘purge’ areas of humans in their land-scams and raw materials grabs. Muslims, and anti-Islamic hatred, are merely a foil for the deadly economic policies behind the murders of civilians. The policies are anti-poor, anti-Islamic, dehumanising, falling into this death-project defined long back.

In a Bilderberger conference in 1968, a senior banker, George W. Ball explained the world company project: It was not only aimed at replacing the “archaic” nation state; global cartels – corporations – modelled on the British East India Company – would operate across borders (hence the 1990s definition of a ‘borderless’ world loved by the same utopians, and neo-Malthusian economists in the Bush government today). Thomas Malthus, like Adam Smith, was reportedly a propagandist for the East India Company and the British Empire. The ‘globalists’ today continue their mass-deception, with the collusion of the ‘corporate media,’ their propagandist mouthpiece, to push an agenda of eugenics (racism) and globalization. It is these masterminds that are shaping the “next generation” projects of the World Bank, IMF, the United Nations along the old imperial policies.
For the skeptical ‘naysayers’ who are rabid promoters of the globalisers, one has only to see the genocide of Iraq, with civilian population of Iraqis decimated through senseless carnage, as a testament to the policies already being implemented by the neo cons and their allies. (The bankruptcy of Afghanistan or Palestine is part of the ‘project.’) It is ironic that Indians, obsessed with parochial politics, turn a blindspot to the potential for genocides in their own backyard. Kashmir remains a ‘taboo,’ as do the horrors of civil war in the northeast populations. But the rot starts in the affluent countries themselves. The collusion of Europe in the CIA ‘renditions programs’ using European bases to transport American detainees to torture-camps abroad is one facet of the criminal underworld running the show. It is the ‘corporatisation’ of the military and intelligence sold to ‘contractors.’

Another symptom of the mass criminalisation of the world’s leading agencies is not only in the gross violation of international laws, but also in the indelible decline into police-state measures in some countries of the EU as elsewhere. The post-9/11 American Patriot Act, surveillance of private citizenry, secret detentions, the stereotyping of Muslims in general as ‘terrorists’ or ‘fundamentalists,’ even collections of DNA blood samples to store in a human data bank targeting civilians, are all part and parcel of the new police state, the revival of the imperial East India Company where corporate forces ran the colonial empire.

The real threat to the economic system of the ‘globalists’ are global populations, particularly darkskinned races. In order to stem population growth these ‘powers’ have imposed control over nations through austerity plans, shortages (such as that of energy and power, endemic in India – and a threat to its population), higher prices (condemning people to death through starvation or famine). Added to this death-list of the zero-growth lobby are pandemic diseases (to exterminate masses), water-shortage, and ethnic and religious wars. It is through this spectrum that the religious ‘terrorists,’ the Hindutva gangs eliminating Muslim or other minorities in periodic pogroms, should be examined.
While these pseudo-religious forces dupe the public into projecting themselves as ‘patriots,’ they are, in fact, collaborators with ‘foreign vested interests’ in exterminating their own population for mercenary reasons to promote the imperial “Company” of the past. It is ironic that the same ‘nationalists’ who loudly advertise their ‘patriotism,’ or their ‘Gandhian’ morality, are those who invite the MNCs, the multinational corporations, into their homeland to revive the empire of the East India Company!
The impotence of the Indian Parliament to thwart the MNC Wal-Mart, or establish legitimate debate over the nuclear deal with the U.S., is symptomatic of the new servitude. The Indian paradox lies in the latent hypocrisy behind commercialism and greed disguised as ‘religion’. While the slave-mentality of the lackeys grovels before Washington or London, Indians go on rampages killing other Indians as tools in the proxy wars of the former colonizers to regain control of their nation.
The nexus between the industrialists and political monetarists, without excluding the moneybags of Hollywood and Bollywood, is the murky underworld, the new criminalization of politics selling the nation – and national integrity – to ‘freemarket economics’ in which there is neither freedom nor democracy. The ultimate self-deception of totalitarian states is freedom while they are, in fact, the de facto lackeys to ‘vested interests,’ the foreign monetarist powers now on a collision course to world war.